Alphabetical Index of Articles on Women's Sexual, Pelvic Floor, and Reproductive Health
Scar Management and Desensitization After C-Section, Hysterectomy, and Laparoscopic Procedures
Tips For Scar Management and Desensitization After C-Section
Also After Hysterectomy and Other Laparoscopic Procedures
After delivery via cesarean section, hysterectomy or other laparoscopic procedure, there will be an incision site that you will have to manage according to the directions of your doctors and nurses to keep the site from becoming infected. Although the incision site will close after about 2-3 weeks, scar tissue will continue to form. It is important to begin scar massage and desensitization techniques to help prevent scar tissue build up, puckering, and ongoing pain.
Managing Scar Tissue
A trained physical therapist can perform soft tissue mobilization and other modalities such as cold laser over the scar site. As a part of your treatment, your therapist will teach you skills to manage the scars at home for the following benefits: