Alphabetical Index of Articles on Women's Sexual, Pelvic Floor, and Reproductive Health

Direct links to various articles on our site, broken down alphabetically by topic
Click on any topic to see all of the relevant articles on our site.
abdominal exercises
Hits: 23abdominal muscles
Hits: 189
abdominal pain
Hits: 339abdominal separation
Hits: 182
abdominal wall endometriosis
Hits: 144Abdomino-phrenic dyssynergia
Hits: 327
about heather
Hits: 477Academy of Pelvic Health Physical Therapy
Hits: 126
Hits: 82after baby
Hits: 294
allergy medications
Hits: 255alternative treatments
Hits: 211
American Urogynecologic Association
Hits: 157anal incontinence
Hits: 252
Hits: 699anterior pelvic girdle pain
Hits: 258
anterior pelvic tilt
Hits: 211Apex
Hits: 434
Applied Function Science (CAFS)
Hits: 146arousal
Hits: 236
arousal problems
Hits: 283As Featured In
Hits: 87
Hits: 235athletic incontinence
Hits: 222
athletic training
Hits: 74Atlanta Location
Hits: 63
august mclaughlin
Hits: 287babywearing
Hits: 115
bad orgasm
Hits: 186bathroom habits
Hits: 153
Hits: 409belly breathing
Hits: 1705
belly press technique
Hits: 227better sex
Hits: 464
Beverly Hills Location
Hits: 111biking
Hits: 403
Hits: 360birth control
Hits: 243
birth control and vulvodynia
Hits: 62birth prep services
Hits: 239
Hits: 204bladder cancer
Hits: 531
bladder cander
Hits: 248bladder health
Hits: 473
bladder health awareness month
Hits: 340bladder leakage
Hits: 278
bladder pain
Hits: 249bloating
Hits: 444
blog posts
Hits: 1036body mechanics
Hits: 359
book reviews
Hits: 745books
Hits: 611
Hits: 599bowel function
Hits: 314
bowel health
Hits: 550bowel incontinence
Hits: 358
bra choices
Hits: 168breast cancer
Hits: 161
breast feeding
Hits: 408breathing
Hits: 236
Bulimia Nervosa
Hits: 197burning in your vagina
Hits: 263
butt clenching
Hits: 447butt play
Hits: 81
Hits: 254c-section recovery
Hits: 427
cancer rehabilitation
Hits: 613cannabidiol
Hits: 396
carpal tunnel
Hits: 433CBD
Hits: 326
CBD suppositories
Hits: 197Certified Lymphedema Therapist
Hits: 126
Certified Massage Practitioner
Hits: 181Certified Massage Therapist
Hits: 199
Certified Pilates Instructor
Hits: 147Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
Hits: 184
cervical cancer
Hits: 292cervical cancer awareness
Hits: 308
Hits: 319chemical sensitivity
Hits: 343
Hits: 690chronic pain
Hits: 677
chronic pelvic pain
Hits: 307chronic sex diary
Hits: 153
chronic stress
Hits: 170classes
Hits: 242
clitoral erections
Hits: 312clitoral hood
Hits: 207
clitoral pain
Hits: 499clitoris
Hits: 235
clogged milk ducts
Hits: 232CMP
Hits: 1074
Hits: 118coital incontinence
Hits: 192
combined hormonal methods
Hits: 45community outreach
Hits: 158
Hits: 168constipation
Hits: 328
Hits: 420contraception
Hits: 38
cyclist syndrome
Hits: 262cystectomy
Hits: 229
dance instructor
Hits: 117deep breathing
Hits: 280
deep core muscles
Hits: 28Deep dyspareunia
Hits: 123
deep penetration
Hits: 25depression
Hits: 217
depression and incontinence
Hits: 214diaphragmatic breathing
Hits: 260
Hits: 297diastasis recti
Hits: 369
diastasis rectus
Hits: 122diet
Hits: 639
digestive issues
Hits: 230dilators
Hits: 688
Director of Clinical Education
Hits: 174disabilities
Hits: 66
distance running
Hits: 232Doctor of Physical Therapy
Hits: 230
doggy style
Hits: 1615doula
Hits: 253
dry needling
Hits: 48Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS)
Hits: 164
Hits: 261Dysorgasmia
Hits: 1146
Hits: 740dyssynergia
Hits: 447
dyssynergic defecation
Hits: 220eating disorders
Hits: 435
Hits: 71electrostimulation devices
Hits: 216
embarrassing questions
Hits: 183endo
Hits: 699
endo belly
Hits: 463endometriosis
Hits: 2992
endometriosis awareness
Hits: 584erectile dysfunction
Hits: 255
Hits: 119erogenous zones
Hits: 222
estrogen levels
Hits: 402estrogen therapy
Hits: 481
exercise aids
Hits: 4036Exercise Physiology
Hits: 55
Exercise science
Hits: 137exercises to improve orgasm
Hits: 271
FAI syndrome
Hits: 370Fascial Stretch Therapist
Hits: 135
fascial stretch therapy
Hits: 233fecal incontinence
Hits: 324
female athlete
Hits: 260female sexual disorders
Hits: 317
female sexual dysfunction
Hits: 359feminine hygiene
Hits: 314
Femoroacetabular Impingement
Hits: 179Fibromyalgia
Hits: 91
film & video
Hits: 744first time sex
Hits: 177
first trimester
Hits: 212first visit
Hits: 303
Hits: 164foam rollers
Hits: 260
franklin ball
Hits: 306free resources
Hits: 608
frequent urination
Hits: 323front to back wiping
Hits: 226
Hits: 213fundraisers
Hits: 374
G spot
Hits: 1013gastroparesis
Hits: 27
gender affirming
Hits: 32gender affirming care
Hits: 23
gender confirmation surgery
Hits: 113gender health
Hits: 77
gender identity
Hits: 234gentle yoga
Hits: 424
Hits: 238girl boner radio
Hits: 276
girls health
Hits: 628girls night out
Hits: 255
Hits: 360Graston Technique
Hits: 36
groin pain
Hits: 209Gross Anatomy Assistant
Hits: 8
Hits: 486gudied masturbation
Hits: 135
Hits: 112gynecologic cancer
Hits: 249
health benefits
Hits: 49health goals
Hits: 145
healthy aging
Hits: 229healthy sex
Hits: 314
Hits: 418hernia
Hits: 48
hip impingment
Hits: 592hip pain
Hits: 187
Hits: 198holidays
Hits: 237
home gym
Hits: 229home office
Hits: 227
hormonal birth control
Hits: 48hormonal issues
Hits: 243
Hits: 501hypertonic pelvic floor
Hits: 294
hypotonic pelvic floor
Hits: 135hysterectomy
Hits: 232
Hits: 1135incontinence and pregnancy
Hits: 228
InControl Medical
Hits: 259infertility
Hits: 362
injury recovery
Hits: 712inner core workout
Hits: 236
innovative wellness technologies
Hits: 142Intensity
Hits: 245
International Pelvic Pain Society
Hits: 198interstitial cystitis
Hits: 305
iras method
Hits: 422IUD
Hits: 49
John Barnes’ Myofascial Release Approach
Hits: 160joint laxity
Hits: 257
joint pain
Hits: 230kegel
Hits: 386
kegel weights
Hits: 222kegels
Hits: 783
kidney cancer
Hits: 254kidney stones
Hits: 244
Hits: 134kneeling ergonomic chair
Hits: 162
labor positions
Hits: 385lactation
Hits: 234
laparoscopic surgery
Hits: 213large breasts
Hits: 168
laser treatment
Hits: 663Laureen McVicker
Hits: 389
Hits: 115legacy media
Hits: 198
Hits: 79levator ani avulsion
Hits: 159
Hits: 414light bladder leakage
Hits: 231
lightning crotch
Hits: 48lipedema
Hits: 57
live events
Hits: 1666Livestrong
Hits: 216
Hits: 290long distance program
Hits: 185
long distance running
Hits: 167low back pain
Hits: 1255
low libido
Hits: 231lower abdominal pain
Hits: 25
lower limb circulation
Hits: 115lube
Hits: 567
lymphatic drainage
Hits: 212lymphatic massage
Hits: 226
Hits: 41magazine articles
Hits: 481
make sex hotter
Hits: 228male sexual dysfunction
Hits: 137
manual therapy
Hits: 294massage
Hits: 410
massage guns
Hits: 461mastectomy
Hits: 59
Masters in Physical Therapy
Hits: 149mastitis
Hits: 292
Hits: 579maternal health
Hits: 284
Hits: 1067medical treatments
Hits: 78
Hits: 432men's health
Hits: 63
Hits: 3511menstrual cramps
Hits: 449
mental health
Hits: 339mental load of endometriosis
Hits: 220
Hits: 55military service
Hits: 280
Hits: 246mini pill
Hits: 44
missionary position
Hits: 701mixed urinary incontinence
Hits: 671
mom posture
Hits: 154mommy tummy
Hits: 203
Montrose office
Hits: 127morning routine
Hits: 116
multifaceted etiology
Hits: 117muscle pain
Hits: 422
MyoFascial Release (MFR)
Hits: 152neck pain
Hits: 800
negative orgasm
Hits: 227neuroscience
Hits: 115
New England Journal of Medicine
Hits: 264new year's resolutions
Hits: 372
Hits: 172non-hormonal treatments
Hits: 299
Hits: 119numbness
Hits: 232
obstetric care
Hits: 27Office Administrator
Hits: 109
olympic athlete
Hits: 202one-on-one therapy
Hits: 265
online courses
Hits: 87online publications
Hits: 462
oral contraceptives
Hits: 232orgasm
Hits: 397
orgasm problems
Hits: 545orgasm types
Hits: 417
Hits: 381orthopedic
Hits: 233
Orthopedic Clinical Specialist
Hits: 120orthopedic physical therapy
Hits: 125
Hits: 279osteoporosis
Hits: 412
pain after sex
Hits: 278pain gait theory
Hits: 220
pain in pregnancy
Hits: 59pain relief
Hits: 176
painful bladder syndrome
Hits: 279painful gynecologic exams
Hits: 251
painful intercourse
Hits: 783painful orgasm
Hits: 277
painful pelvic exam
Hits: 280painful penetration
Hits: 232
painful periods
Hits: 677painful sex
Hits: 1842
painful tampon insertion
Hits: 304pandemic side effects
Hits: 144
partner communication
Hits: 251Pasadena Location
Hits: 62
PC contraction
Hits: 717PC exercise
Hits: 686
Hits: 109pediatric pelvic health
Hits: 133
Hits: 316peeing after sex
Hits: 250
peeing during sex
Hits: 203pelvic cancer
Hits: 214
pelvic floor
Hits: 723pelvic floor contraction
Hits: 672
pelvic floor dysfunction
Hits: 374pelvic floor dyssynergia
Hits: 293
pelvic floor exercise
Hits: 780pelvic floor muscle training
Hits: 180
pelvic floor muscles
Hits: 339pelvic floor over-reactivity
Hits: 280
pelvic floor physical therapy
Hits: 851pelvic floor relaxation
Hits: 144
pelvic floor strengtheners
Hits: 221pelvic floor tension
Hits: 175
pelvic floor therapy
Hits: 332pelvic floor trainer
Hits: 116
pelvic fracture
Hits: 616pelvic girdle pain
Hits: 30
pelvic health
Hits: 343pelvic inflammatory disease
Hits: 320
pelvic organ prolapse
Hits: 624pelvic pain
Hits: 894
pelvic pain awareness
Hits: 214pelvic pt
Hits: 244
pelvic surgery
Hits: 238pelvicfloor
Hits: 235
Hits: 127penis bumper
Hits: 498
Hits: 149Perinatal Mental Health
Hits: 33
perineal tears
Hits: 249perineal trauma
Hits: 232
Period Action Day
Hits: 132period talk
Hits: 281
Hits: 267persistent genital arousal disorder
Hits: 390
personal lubricants
Hits: 492pessary
Hits: 154
Hits: 598physical therapist
Hits: 116
physical therapy
Hits: 967physical therapy during pregnancy
Hits: 428
physical therapy for incontinence
Hits: 175pilates
Hits: 253
Hits: 235Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Hits: 172
Hits: 51postpartum
Hits: 200
postpartum depression
Hits: 119postpartum exercise
Hits: 215
postpartum incontinence
Hits: 198postpartum issues
Hits: 449
postpartum physical therapy
Hits: 310postpartum recovery
Hits: 295
Postpartum Recovery Series
Hits: 117postpartum sex
Hits: 265
postural dysfunction
Hits: 207postural stretch
Hits: 449
Hits: 281Pre/postnatal and pregnancy massage
Hits: 223
Hits: 620pregnancy and yoga
Hits: 452
prenatal exercise
Hits: 264prenatal/postpartum Pilates
Hits: 118
Hits: 201Primary anorgasmia
Hits: 213
principle of specificity
Hits: 47print articles
Hits: 494
print media
Hits: 452private classes
Hits: 132
Hits: 275product recommendations
Hits: 652
Hits: 27prolapse
Hits: 4400
prostate cancer
Hits: 264prostatitis
Hits: 112
provoked vestibulodynia
Hits: 294pubic pain
Hits: 346
pubic symphysis
Hits: 447pubic symphysis pain
Hits: 235
public health
Hits: 285publications
Hits: 329
published articles
Hits: 467pudendal nerve
Hits: 147
pudendal neuralgia
Hits: 287Qi Gong
Hits: 224
racial bias
Hits: 218radio
Hits: 567
range of motion
Hits: 262Recreational therapy
Hits: 47
rectal prolapse
Hits: 761referrals
Hits: 387
Rehabilitation Assistant
Hits: 138Reiki massage
Hits: 58
Hits: 26remote classes
Hits: 412
remote sessions
Hits: 613Resilience
Hits: 202
Resistance Flexibility
Hits: 139resource guide
Hits: 481
retroverted uterus
Hits: 239rolling
Hits: 118
routine care
Hits: 144ruined orgasm
Hits: 483
Hits: 404scar management
Hits: 132
scar tissue
Hits: 456sciatic nerve
Hits: 311
sciatica pain
Hits: 195Scoliosis
Hits: 97
Secondary anorgasmia
Hits: 324self love
Hits: 188
Hits: 27sensate focus
Hits: 234
sex after menopause
Hits: 44sex after surgery
Hits: 286
sex education
Hits: 150sex pillows
Hits: 321
sex positions
Hits: 2945sex toys
Hits: 303
sex without pain
Hits: 288sexless marriage
Hits: 90
sexual assertiveness
Hits: 235sexual dysfunction
Hits: 355
sexual function
Hits: 307sexual health
Hits: 289
sexual health awareness month
Hits: 316sexual health treatments
Hits: 7912
sexual peak
Hits: 196sexual satisfaction
Hits: 269
sexual wellness
Hits: 633sexuality
Hits: 316
sexuality and cancer
Hits: 297Sherman Oaks Location
Hits: 136
shockwave therapy
Hits: 158shoulder pain
Hits: 175
Skin rolling
Hits: 52sleep
Hits: 267
Hits: 355smoking
Hits: 390
Soft Tissue Mobilization (STM)
Hits: 178Somatic Stress Therapist
Hits: 122
sore vagina
Hits: 237sound healing
Hits: 43
Spanish content
Hits: 461Spanish speaker
Hits: 119
specialty treatments
Hits: 34spin class
Hits: 402
spontaneous orgasms
Hits: 180squatty potty
Hits: 363
Hits: 261SSP/Safe and Sound Protocol
Hits: 143
staff bios
Hits: 506stomach gripping
Hits: 177
Hits: 163strength conditioning
Hits: 201
stress relief
Hits: 526stretching
Hits: 410
sucking in your stomach
Hits: 231Superficial dyspareunia
Hits: 140
Hits: 226Swedish massage
Hits: 41
swelling during pregnancy
Hits: 76symphysis pubis dysfunction
Hits: 231
tarlov cyst
Hits: 215teaching
Hits: 238
Hits: 320television
Hits: 706
temporomandibular disorders
Hits: 119temporomandibular joint
Hits: 230
tension headaches
Hits: 144testimonials
Hits: 249
therapist's aid
Hits: 92tight vagina
Hits: 339
Tightly Wound film
Hits: 695tingling
Hits: 245
toes curling
Hits: 465toilet habits
Hits: 254
toilet squat stools
Hits: 169too deep
Hits: 215
toxic chemicals
Hits: 296Trauma Resilience Model
Hits: 153
travel tips
Hits: 27trigger points
Hits: 244
trusted providers
Hits: 102u-spot
Hits: 134
unconsummated marriage
Hits: 59unprovoked vestibulodynia
Hits: 291
urinary infections
Hits: 253urinary tract infections
Hits: 242
Hits: 422vaccination
Hits: 403
vaginal anatomy
Hits: 574vaginal dilators
Hits: 250
vaginal dryness
Hits: 425vaginal exam
Hits: 534
vaginal infections
Hits: 271vaginal mesh
Hits: 221
vaginal pain
Hits: 238vaginal scarring
Hits: 301
vaginal tightness
Hits: 181vaginal wetness
Hits: 259
Hits: 707vaginismus causes
Hits: 162
vaginismus treatment
Hits: 372vasovagal respoinse
Hits: 170
Hits: 635vestibulodynia
Hits: 600
Hits: 195vibrational medicine
Hits: 20
Hits: 128visceral manipulation
Hits: 141
voiding dysfunction
Hits: 291vulvar anatomy
Hits: 176
vulvar pain
Hits: 254vulvar scarring
Hits: 239
vulvar vestibulitis
Hits: 278vulvodynia
Hits: 748
water based lube
Hits: 58weak pelvic floor
Hits: 118
wedding night sex
Hits: 366weight
Hits: 260
weight lifting
Hits: 159weight management
Hits: 34
what to expect
Hits: 321wiping your vagina
Hits: 166
woman on top
Hits: 212women's health
Hits: 312
Women's Health Magazine
Hits: 80workout recovery
Hits: 261
yeast infections
Hits: 317yoga
Hits: 592
yoga therapist
Hits: 116yoga therapy
Hits: 428