Your Healthiest Relationship
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- Written by: Heather Jeffcoat, DPT

Heather Jeffcoat, DPT
Meet the Tushy Ottoman - It's One Chic Toilet Stool!
A stylish alternative that won't ruin your bathroom's vibe
Life is full of little dreams, grand aspirations, and micro-wishes. For me, one of those has always been to own a toilet stool, more commonly known as a squatty potty. You're probably thinking: Why don't you just get one? Well, in the decade since I left my parent's house, I've had an endless parade of roommates, and I thought maybe introducing a community toilet squat stool would be weird. The reason? Most of them are eyesores. They're not discrete and broadcast, "Hey everyone, I like to do my business THIS way!" I've never felt comfortable pitching a toilet stool to roommates—until I was introduced to the Tushy Ottoman.
Read more: Well and Good | Meet the Tushy Ottoman, a Chic Toilet...
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- Written by: Heather Jeffcoat, DPT

Heather Jeffcoat, DPT
Looking for a Secret Weapon Against Constipation?
Look to Your Pelvic Floor.
Constipation can be physically uncomfortable, but it can also be downright frustrating. Whether factors like dietary habits, dehydration, or stress trigger your constipation, it can be tempting to fight it by forcing a bowel movement. Straining, however, isn't a great idea. It's not super effective, and it can increase your risk of anal fissures and prolapse.
Instead, a key to relieving constipation might actually involve relaxing your pelvic floor.
Read more: Well and Good | Your Pelvic Floor Can Be a Secret Weapon...
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- Written by: Heather Jeffcoat, DPT

Heather Jeffcoat, DPT
If You Are Tired of Waking Up to Pee at Night, We've Got Some Answers
Getting up to pee during the night can be super disorienting. It turns out that it can give you some insight into your health. To be clear: Getting up to go to pee every once in a while is perfectly fine, according to Heather Jeffcoat, DPT , Fusion Wellness & Femina Physical Therapy in Los Angeles, California. But if you're waking up to pee (and you're not on medication like a diuretic) it might help to examine what's going on.
People can develop nocturia for a whole host of reasons. Some of the reasons, according to Dr. Jeffcoat, are mechanical or based on the literal musculature function of the bladder and pelvic floor.
Read more: Well and Good | Waking Up To Pee at Night? Here’s What a...
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- Written by: Heather Jeffcoat, DPT

Heather Jeffcoat, DPT
Pelvic Floor Workouts That Support Better Sex
Every person has a pelvic floor, a sling of muscles connecting the pubic bone and the tailbone, and it's connected to so many health functions, including bowel and bladder control, supporting the pelvic organs, and contributing to optimum sexual health. And with respect to that last factor, there are specific ways to set yourself up for success—namely with pelvic floor workouts for better sex.
Read more: Well and Good: 3 Pelvic Floor Workouts That Support Better...
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- Written by: Heather Jeffcoat, DPT

Heather Jeffcoat, DPT
Why Your Pelvic Floor Muscles Don’t Always Benefit From Kegels
According to a Pelvic Floor Therapist
If you have a vagina, you’ve probably been told to “do your Kegels” as if the exercise is comparable to taking your daily vitamin or brushing your teeth.
Whether you saw it on Sex And The City, Oprah, or even TikTok—in pop culture, Kegels are widely considered as beneficial as daily push-ups or hamstring stretches. The thing is, Kegels aren’t like brushing your teeth: not everyone needs to do them. Sometimes they can even cause more harm to your pelvic floor muscles than good, according to Heather Jeffcoat, DPT, owner of Femina Physical Therapy in Los Angeles.
Read more: Well and Good | Your Pelvic Floor Muscles Don’t Always...
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- Written by: Heather Jeffcoat, DPT

Heather Jeffcoat, DPT
Getting Down With the Pelvic Floor
—And Getting Serious About Caring for It.
Thanks to a series of norm-shattering cultural movements—beginning with #MeToo and body positivity and continuing with the pleasure revolution—elements of sexual and reproductive health are being discussed openly like never before. Add to this major societal shift a pandemic that turned our attention to physical well-being in new and sex-plorative ways, and the stage is set for the next show of taboo-busting: The pelvic floor, that sling of muscles running from the pubic bone to the tailbone, is finally getting the attention it deserves. And in 2022, we’ll see pelvic floor health incorporated more readily into at-home wellness and in-clinic health care at all stages of life.
Read more: Well and Good | We’re Getting Down With the Pelvic Floor
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- Written by: Heather Jeffcoat, DPT

Heather Jeffcoat, DPT
Experts Chime in on 7 Golden Rules for a Healthier Pee
They say another year older, another year wiser.
But when it comes to how to pee correctly, it seems we're all perpetual students of Water Closet 101. (Case in point: Every public bathroom, ever.) Over the years at Well+Good, we've collected an endless stream of tips for achieving what some call "the perfect pee"—and (you're welcome) we've finally collected them all in once place.
Below, you'll find the hottest advice from urologists and pelvic floor therapists nationwide about being number one at going (I hate myself) number one. You'll learn why you should stop power peeing, whether or not it's actually necessary to squat in public restrooms, and the truth about relieving yourself in the shower. Mentally prepare yourself, because there's sure to be some reality-shaking realizations ahead.
Read more: Well and Good | 7 Golden Rules for a Healthier Pee,...
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- Written by: Heather Jeffcoat, DPT

Heather Jeffcoat, DPT
If Your Pelvic Floor Is Too Tight, There Are Answers
Even if you're familiar with the pelvic floor muscles, you might be surprised to know how important they are. The pelvic floor, which sits between the tailbone and pubic bone, resembles a hammock that supports your uterus (if you have one), bladder, and rectum, according to the Mayo Clinic. More specifically, the pelvic floor controls bladder and rectal urges, keeps your pelvic organs in place, assists sexual function, and helps support your core and spine, says Heather Jeffcoat, DPT, doctor of physical therapy, and owner of Femina Physical Therapy in Los Angeles. So when the pelvic floor muscles become too loose or too tight, it can have a significant impact on your daily life.
Read more: Well and Good: How to Tell If Your Pelvic Floor Is Too...