Your Healthiest Relationship
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- Written by: Heather Jeffcoat, DPT

Heather Jeffcoat, DPT
‘I’m a Pelvic-Floor Therapist, and This Is Why You Should Not Stop Your Flow Mid-Pee’
There's a strong chance someone in your life has either done or suggested Kegel exercises to you. You may have stumbled on Kegel advice through platforms like this TikTok. Or maybe you've googled Kegel exercises because you're dealing with bladder leakage. It can seem like Kegel exercise advice is everywhere, but there's a lot about this seemingly simple exercise that people do wrong. So, if you've heard you should do Kegels while peeing to assess your pelvic floor prowess, it is not the sagest advice.
Read more: Well and Good: You Should Not Stop Your Flow Mid-Pee
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- Written by: Heather Jeffcoat, DPT

Heather Jeffcoat, DPT
Can CBD Suppositories Relieve Pelvic-Floor Pain?
And Even Allow You to Finally Experience Pleasure?
As someone with a hypertonic pelvic floor, my pelvic-floor muscles are in a near-constant state of contraction. Think: tight as a closed fist. This situation can make penetrative play painful if not impossible—that is, unless I coax my pelvic-floor muscles into submission ahead of time.
Historically, I’ve been able to do just that with a combination of meditation, external genital masturbation, and breathing exercises. But I recently discovered Foria’s Relief Suppositories with CBD ($50), and they quickly became a mainstay component of my pre-penetrative sex ritual.
Read more: Well and Good | These CBD Suppositories Relieved My...
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- Written by: Heather Jeffcoat, DPT

Heather Jeffcoat, DPT
Unless you have a medical kink or are role-playing nurse and patient, the doctor’s office and bedroom probably function as separate, non-interacting entities. But for some people who experience pelvic or sexual pain, vaginal dilators blend the experience of the two.
Below, two pelvic-floor therapists explain the purpose of these medical tools, as well as how to determine if they may be useful for your personal pelvic-floor issues or sexual pain.
Read more: Well and Good | Vaginal Dilators To Treat Pelvic Pain and...
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- Written by: Heather Jeffcoat, DPT

Painful penetration is common—in fact research shows that 75 percent of vagina-owners will experience it at some point in their lifetime. But, common is not synonymous with acceptable. Unless pain during penetration is a sensation you’re actively seeking out, the experience of it can be a sign that something is going on with your body.
If you’re experiencing pain during penetration, your first and second stops should be your OB/GYN and a trauma-informed pelvic floor therapist who can help you suss out the underlying cause. Your third stop? A sex shop for a penis bumper, which is a sex aid that can be used on any phallus, including dildos, G-spot vibrators, and wands. It's designed to slide down a shaft of the person or toy doing the penetrating, thus eliminating some of its length to prevent as much from going inside the receiver's vagina or anus.
Read more: Well and Good | 5 Penis Bumpers To Make Sex Enjoyable and...