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Yoga Poses for Working at Home

Check out these yoga poses for working at home that you can do in your home office setup!

Peform them at least 1-2x during your workday.

Many people working from home with the COVID-19 pandemic are finding themselves sitting hunched over a computer in non-ergonomic work setups -- kitchen counters, hard chairs or stools, or simply propped up in bed. Working for hours in these positions will lead to a stiff neck and shoulders, a sore lower back and tight hips, glutes,and pelvic floor muscles.

For those of you with time and internet access, join me for Yoga Class on Thursdays at 9:30 AM PST. Check out the Femina PT online events page for details.

Seated Cat/Cow

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  • Sit with feet flat on the floor
  • Place your feet and knees to hip width's distance apart
  • Place your hands on your knees
  • Inhale (cow): Sit tall, look up towards the ceiling, lift chest towards ceiling, open your stomach to the front wall, lift tail bone
  • Exhale (cat): Round the spine, drop the head, tuck the tail bone
  • Repeat 5 -20 cycles

Seated Spinal Twist


  • Sit with feet flat on the floor
  • Place your feet and knees to hip width's distance apart
  • Inhale and reach your arms over your head
  • Exhale and twist to the left
  • Set your left hand on the chair behind you
  • Set your right hand on your knee
  • Hold for 5-20 breaths
  • Repeat on the other side

Side Stretch


  • Sit with feet flat on the floor
  • Place your feet and knees to hip width's distance apart
  • Place your hands on your knees
  • Reach your right arm up towards the ceiling
  • Reach right arm to left side wall
  • Breathe into rib cage and the space between the top of the hip and the bottom of your ribs
  • Hold for 5-20 breaths
  • Repeat on other side

Wrist Stretches

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Wrist Extension Stretch

  • Gently pull your fingers backwards (as shown) until you feel a stretch along the bottom of your arm and through your wrist.
  • Gently twist the wrist outwards and inwards to find more tension ready to be released.

Wrist Flexion Stretch

  • Bend your hand down towards the floor and grasp your fingers with the opposite hand and gently pull your fingers and wrist back towards the arm.
  • Gently twist the wrist outwards and inwards to find more tension ready to be released

Seated Pigeon


  • Sit with feet flat on the floor
  • Place your feet and knees to hip width's distance apart
  • Cross your right ankle over your left knee
  • Sit tall and apply a gently pressure to the right knee (do not force)
  • Hold 5 -20 breaths
  • Repeat on other side

Seated Hamstring Stretch


  • Sit with one leg extended and your back straight.
  • Keep the opposite leg bent, rest hands against your mid-thigh.
  • Hinge at the waist, towards the straight leg
  • Keep your knee, neck, and back straight.
  • Feel the stretch in the back of your thigh.
  • Hold for 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat 2 times.
  • Repeat on the other side.

Eagle Arms


  • This opens up the space between the scapulae and the musculature of your upper back.
  • With straight arms, cross the left arm over the right.
  • Bend your elbows and wrap your right palm around so that it meets your left palm.
  • Lift the elbows to the height of your shoulders while keeping the shoulders sliding down away from your ears.
  • Keep your spine perpendicular to the floor and the crown of the head rising.
  • Hold 5-10 breaths.
  • Practice on both sides.

In addition to yoga poses for working at home, you can browse our many other yoga related articles here.

Get The Book

Sex Without Pain: A Self-Treatment Guide To The Sex Life You Deserve

Haga clic aquí para la versión española Sex Without Pain: A Self-Treatment Guide To The Sex Life You Deserve was written by Heather Jeffcoat, DPT, a physical therapist with countless successes in treating pain of this type. Women with vaginismus, overactive pelvic floor, painful intercourse, vulvodynia, vulvar vestibulitis, vestibulodynia, dyspareunia, interstitial cystitis have all benefited from her unique program. Heather uses her orthopedic background to approach treatment of these muscles like they are....muscles! She utilizes a self-treatment tool called a dilator to provide massage and other muscle relaxation and stretching techniques in a gentle fashion to return a women's muscles back to a resting, rather than guarded, state.

• To order "Sex Without Pain" in paperback from Amazon for $24.99, click here.

• To order an electronic read-only non-printable PDF copy of the book for instant download at $19.99, use the button below:

• To schedule an appointment at one of the Femina PT offices, click here.

• For a list of other trusted health care providers, click here.

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