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Pregnant belly birth prep services

Pelvic Floor Therapy and Birth Prep Services

Seeking out pelvic floor therapy during your pregnancy will help you gain stability, strength, flexibility, and motor control of the pelvic floor so that you can go into your labor and delivery with more confidence and possibly reduce your risk for perineal tears.

Birth prep services from a trained pelvic floor physical therapist can help you in the following ways during your pregnancy:

1st Trimester

  • Core stability
  • Pelvic stability
  • Pelvic floor strength and flexibility
  • Reducing pain and risk of injury from joint laxity
  • Motor control of the pelvic floor: contracting, relaxing, and elongating the pelvic floor
  • Body mechanics to reduce risk of injury
  • Continuing a sports/fitness program as your body grows

2nd Trimester

  • Postural re-education to reduce pain
  • Managing low back pain, SI joint pain, pubic symphysis pain, round ligament pain
  • Managing diastasis recti abdominis AKA ‘Mommy tummy’
  • Core stability
  • Pelvic stability
  • Pelvic floor strength and flexibility
  • Continuing a sports/fitness program as your body grows
  • Motor control of the pelvic floor: contracting, relaxing, and elongating the pelvic floor
  • Body mechanics to reduce risk of injury

3rd Trimester

  • Managing low back pain, SI joint pain, pubic symphysis pain, round ligament pain
  • Birth prep: what to expect
  • Finding an optimal labor position
  • Pelvic floor relaxation
  • Perineal massage
  • Motor control of the pelvic floor: contracting, relaxing, and elongating the pelvic floor

“4th Trimester”- Postnatal

Wherever you are in your pregnancy, we can help you!

To schedule an appointment for birth prep services with one of our therapists, call us at (818) 873-1403 or use our online appointment form here.

What Our Patients Say About Their Journey