Menopause is Having a Moment | Femina Physical Therapy Newsletter Issue 213

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Menopause is Having a Moment, and We Can Help!
Hope For Sufferers of Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause
I recently went to a book signing and fireside chat with Dr. Karen Tang, MD, MPH. In her discussions, she mentioned that “Menopause is having a moment” - which made me happy for many reasons (but mainly because I thought it was just my instagram ads targeting me! Who’s with me??).
Hormonal changes that occur due to menopause, and also during the postpartum period can create many pelvic health issues, including bladder incontinence and sexual dysfunction. And it’s not in your head! These changes are physiologic, but you can work with a pelvic health phyiscal therapist to help manage (or eliminate) the symptoms.
What is Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause? We cover all the basics in this article. The symptoms of GSM can greatly affect quality of life, so it is important to be aware the signs so that you can seek out appropriate care and support from your healthcare team.
The links between Pelvic Health and Menopause are strong. The symptoms can negatively affect pelvic health, including bowel, bladder and sexual function. Read more about it in our article here.
As always thank you so much for being a subscriber to our newsletter, and remember that you can also stay in touch by following us on InstaGram at @feminapt and @dr.heatherjeffcoat.
That's it for now, see you next week!
Featured Content from the Femina PT Website
What is Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM)? And Why Every Woman Should Know About It

Every person with a uterus will experience menopause during their lifetime.
Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) is a term that describes the different genital, sexual, and urinary signs and symptoms that can occur during menopause.
The symptoms of GSM can greatly affect quality of life, so it is important to be aware the signs so that you can seek out appropriate care and support from your healthcare team.
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Menopause and Pelvic Health

What are the Links Between Menopause and Pelvic Health?
Menopause is a period of life transition for many of us. Today we will review what menopause is and how symptoms can negatively affect pelvic health, including bowel, bladder and sexual function.
What Happens During Menopause?
Menopause is an important life transition for those with female anatomy, marking the end of the regular menstrual cycle and the transition to life beyond the reproductive period.
Babies born with female anatomy have a set number of eggs which are stored in their ovaries. The ovaries make the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which control monthly periods and ovulation. Menopause happens when ovaries no longer regularly release an egg every month and menstruation stops.
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What Our Patients Say
Jill K. / Pelvic pain
I have been working with Erin since 2009; through 2 cervical fusions and chronic hip and pelvic pain. I trust her implicitly. She truly is a miracle worker. Because of her, I am able continue daily pilates three times per week without pain or injury.
Thank you Erin
Products We Love
In our offices - we LOVE Kindra products. Reducing vaginal dryness is great at all stages, but our postpartum and peri-menopausal patients really rave about it. You can also get a special newsletter discount by visiting their site through this link. Try the Daily V Lotion for daily dry vulvar skin care, or the V Relief Serum for irritated vulvar skin. Keep that V happy, ladies! | Contact Us
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