Is Your Pelvic Floor Ready For Summer? | Femina Physical Therapy Newsletter Issue 207

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This week at Femina PT we are prepping for summer! Is your pelvic floor ready?
I remember growing up, a friend had a sign in her backyard that said "Welcome to our OOL. Notice there is no P in it. We'd like to keep it that way".
Is this you when you try to cannonball in with your kids? Or are you getting ready get your hiking game on but afraid you can't hold it long enough? Or that you'll leak when you try that trampoline park summer membership?
Whatever your story - LEAKAGE DOES NOT NEED TO BE THE ANSWER. Pelvic floor physical therapy has been known for decades to be a top tier treatment for pelvic floor dysfunction, including urinary incontinence. This week we'll highlight a couple of our favorite recent articles, but our website boasts over 100 articles on this topic.
Did your bladder issues start after you had a baby? Check out our 5-part series on Urinary Incontinence after delivery.
But it's not just linked to childbirth. Studies have also shown it's linked to Depression and Obesity, Low Back Pain and can occur at all stages of a woman's life.
As always thank you so much for being a subscriber to our newsletter, and remember that you can also stay in touch by following us on InstaGram at @feminapt and @dr.heatherjeffcoat.
That's it for now, see you next week!
Featured Content from the Femina PT Website
How to Manage Urinary Incontinence After Childbirth | Postpartum Recovery Series - Part 5

Postpartum Recovery Series Part 5
Managing Urinary Incontinence After Childbirth
Urinary incontinence is the unwanted leakage of urine, also known as accidental bladder leakage. There are a few main types. Stress urinary incontinence is leakage associated with activities, such as lifting, exercising, coughing, sneezing, or laughing. Urge urinary incontinence is leakage associated with the urge and people often experience leaking on the way to the toilet. There is also mixed incontinence which is a combination of the two types. Continence is managed by the complex interaction of bladder physiology, central nervous system, and the pelvic floor muscles. When there is dysfunction in any part of the three systems, incontinence may occur.
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Incontinence During Pregnancy & Postpartum | Postpartum Recovery Series - Part 4

What causes incontinence during pregnancy?
There are many causes for incontinence during pregnancy and postpartum. Some of the proposed factors are:
- hormonal changes,
- pelvic floor muscle and connective tissue modifications,
- bladder neck widening (due to the weight of both the uterus and the growing fetus),
- anatomical injuries during delivery.1, 2
A hormone called relaxin is produced during pregnancy to help soften the muscles and ligaments in preparation for delivery. As the uterus and baby grow throughout pregnancy more load is placed on the pelvic floor muscles causing the pelvic floor muscles to become weaker.3 Also constipation, which is commonly seen in pregnancy, puts an additional load on the pelvic floor.4 Furthermore, the pelvic floor has additional strain placed on it during labor; the pelvic floor muscle is stretched five times its original length.5
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What Our Patients Say
Testimonial by D.L.
After completing my first session of Fascial Stretch Therapy I felt so light on my feet. I have never felt so much tension release from my body!
Products We Love
Check out these leggings from SRC Health that help support the pelvic floor and reduce incontinence while you are out there meeting your active goals. Enter code FEMINA at checkout to save 10%!
Designed by women for women.
Whilst recovering in hospital after the birth of her first child, our founder Sinead O’Donovan decided that new mums deserved more help getting back to their busy lives. Drawing on her extensive medical and bio-mechanical background, Sinead envisaged a garment that would be comfortable for new mums to wear all day whilst giving her all the support she and her body need.
In Heather's own words:
I thought it’s finally time to share one of my post-op recovery secrets — I’ve been loving that supported life in my @srchealth compression leggings since my hip labral repair surgery last October. When I wear them, my chronic left SI joint hurts less and my legs feel like they’re being micro-massaged all day long!
Click here to shop the full SRC Health line, and use code FEMINA at checkout for 10% off! | Contact Us
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