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The website "Greatist" has once again reached out to Heather Jeffcoat for her expert opinion, this time regarding postpartum sex after delivery via c-section.

Recovering after a C-section is tough, especially since you’re also adjusting to your new routine (or lack thereof) as a parent. In the thick of postpartum stress, when you’re sleep-deprived and sore, you might wonder when you’ll feel “normal” again — or at least back to wanting the things you used to crave, like regular sex with your boo.

There’s no set timeline for when you’ll be ready to have sex after a C-section. A lot of it depends on how your body feels in the first few weeks postpartum. But when you do start getting horny again, sexual activity may feel a bit different since your body has changed.

Certain positions you used to love might not be your jam right away, while others that never appealed to you could be your new go-to moves. By paying attention to what feels good, you can start having (and enjoying) great postpartum sex sooner rather than later.

Women should be up walking right away, as this will help them with bowel movements and general conditioning, explains Heather Jeffcoat, DPT, a physical therapist who specializes in women’s health.

Consider seeing a pelvic floor specialist or physical therapist

The physical demands you’re dealing with — carrying your child around, maneuvering strollers, and maybe caring for older children, too — will likely make your recovery from surgery more difficult.

Women are at a vulnerable stage postpartum, as they have a ‘stretch weakness’ in the abdominal muscles, which essentially makes them less effective at supporting their posture and can result in injury, Jeffcoat explains. A trained physical therapist can help with practical modifications that will keep moms safe and pain-free in the postpartum period.

For the full aritcle please go here.

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Sex Without Pain: A Self-Treatment Guide To The Sex Life You Deserve

Haga clic aquí para la versión española Sex Without Pain: A Self-Treatment Guide To The Sex Life You Deserve was written by Heather Jeffcoat, DPT, a physical therapist with countless successes in treating pain of this type. Women with vaginismus, overactive pelvic floor, painful intercourse, vulvodynia, vulvar vestibulitis, vestibulodynia, dyspareunia, interstitial cystitis have all benefited from her unique program. Heather uses her orthopedic background to approach treatment of these muscles like they are....muscles! She utilizes a self-treatment tool called a dilator to provide massage and other muscle relaxation and stretching techniques in a gentle fashion to return a women's muscles back to a resting, rather than guarded, state.

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