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sex pillow review
When Gina Vaynshteyn and Suzannah Weiss of Glamour reached out to me for my opinion on their upcoming sex pillow review for various sex positions and overcoming injury, I was glad to offer some advice. Here is a brief synopsis of the article with a link to the full article below.

Heather Jeffcoat

Make Any Sex Position Hotter - And More Comfortable!

The Big Sex Pillow Review at Glamour UK featuring Heather Jeffcoat

A large portion of what we do here at Femina PT involves various products that are tailor made for specific types of treatment we offer. In our facilities you will see a wide variety of devices and accessories, such as:

  • Pilates reformer and tower
  • Yoga Mats, blocks, towels, bolsters/pillows
  • Therabands and stretching straps
  • Exercise balls and pinky balls
  • Massage guns and vibrating hypersphere and foam rollers
  • Regular foam rollers
  • Peloton bike
  • Treadmill 
  • Normatech compression boots

Of course all of these things serve specific purposes: to make therapy easier and/or more effective.

Let's say you first came to us to help get your sex life back on track, and now you're ready to test out the results - why not take this same approach in the bedroom? Ergonomics are just as important when you're "doing it" as they are when you working out or rehabbing from injury - and this is where a good sex pillow (or two!) can really come in handy - so let's get this sex pillow review started!

The article begins:

Sure, sex is nice. But have you ever gotten it on using sex pillows? As in, a pillow ergonomically designed for either intercourse or solo play, making tricky or awkward angles and new sex positions much more smooth sailing (and comfortable). If you’ve taken yoga classes, you’ve probably experienced something similar: in order to achieve certain poses, the instructor may give you tools, like yoga blocks or blankets. That’s what the best sex pillows aim to do: make sex more accessible, pleasurable, and fun.

Sex pillows are not just for partner play - many of them are great for solo play too. When Gina and Suzannah went looking for reasons why people might be interested in incorporating a sex pillow into their lives, the answers included wanting to improve not just partner play but alone time as well.

And it turns out finding the right sex position or angle for masturbation is a common issue. Sex toy company Dame surveyed 1,600 of its Dame Labs community members, asking which non-vibrating product “would most improve [their] sex life.” Per Dame, “81% responded they wished they could find a better angle when with their partner and/or that they regularly used a spare pillow or cushion to achieve one.”

One of the biggest reasons we recommend sex pillows to our clients is to alleviate discomfort due to injuries while putting the body in position to best enjoy sex. It's an often overlooked aspect when choosing the right sex pillow:

Sex position pillows can be a great addition to the bedroom (or wherever, you do you) especially if, according to Heather Jeffcoat, DPT, pelvic health physician therapist and author of Sex Without Pain: A Self-Treatment Guide to the Sex Life You Deserve, you have mobility issues. “Pillows are great for modifying positions if you have neck, back, hip, or knee issues,” Jeffcoat tells GLAMOUR. Unlike your typical bed pillow, sex pillows help take some of that pressure off our bodies so sex can be enjoyable, not painful. (Some even serve as a sex toy mount so you can have a hands-free experience, too).

As the article so eloquently states, it can’t hurt to introduce a sex pillow into your love life. In fact, it will likely do the opposite and help you reach all kinds of orgasmic new levels. So click here to see which pillows came out on top in the full sex pillow review at the Glamour UK website. You'll be glad you did! And if you'd like therapy first before getting into some hot pillow action, contact us here to make an appointment with one of our therapists.


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What Our Patients Have to Say


Testimonial by A.M.

Months after giving birth, it was difficult for me to go from a sitting or lying position up to a full standing position without feeling that I had to remain hunched over until a bit of time had passed to get fully upright. However, after taking Heather’s course, I learned exercises to get my body back to normal. She also showed me correct ways to lift and carry my son as well as put him in/take him out of the carseat and stroller. This class was really beneficial and Heather is a wonderful teacher who made me feel very comfortable.

-- A.M.

Testimonial by Y.L. (mom of 2)

After having my second baby via C-section I searched for months to try to find help for my lower back pain and separated abdominal muscles. I finally came across Heather Jeffcoat via a mommy blog. I reached out to her via email and set my first appointment. My first appointment went amazing … she listened to what my symptoms, check my separation and explained to me in detail what the next steps would be. Not only did my abdominal separation go from 3 to about 1 -1/2 but my back has pain has significantly reduced. I’m personally recommending all my mommy friends to Heather!

Y.L. (mom of 2)

Testimonial by S.B.

As someone who suffered the debilitating physical and emotional effects of vaginismus (as well as a complicated history of back injuries) for more than 15 years, I thought a "normal" life was just a fantasy. Then I found Heather.

Read more: Testimonial by S.B.

Testimonial by Lauren B.

Femina PT (née Fusion Wellness & Physical Therapy) has been such an answer to prayer, i'm so glad I found them! I've been struggling with vaginismus my whole life, but didn't have a name for it until about 6 or 7 months ago. Even once I did have a name for it though, I didn't know where to begin in getting help. My OB/GYN had me get a set of dilators, but I couldn't even insert the smallest one by myself. Most times I tried I just ended up frustrated and in tears. I felt really alone, like I was broken and didn't have the energy to keep trying. When I got engaged a few months ago though, I realized I needed to get answers so i wasn't dreading my honeymoon.

Read more: Testimonial by Lauren B.

Testimonial by Amanda W.

Heather's unique physical therapy program literally changed my life! After years of struggling with vaginismus, a condition that made it impossible for me to have intercourse and very difficult to use tampons without pain, a gynecologist referred me to Heather. I was nervous for my first appointment, but Heather's professional and friendly demeanor put me at ease. She did a great job explaining each technique she was using to help my muscles relax. Heather uses a combination of internal and external stretches and exercises to relax the pelvic floor and build muscle strength. Her specially developed home program helped me quickly recover from an issue that seemed insurmountable before meeting Heather. She was optimistic about my progress and incredibly encouraging. Less than 6 months after my first session, I was able to have pain-free sex for the first time in my life! If you are suffering from vaginismus or any other pelvic floor issues, I highly recommend making an appointment with Heather and reading her book!

-- Amanda W., 2/15/16 via Yelp!

Testimonial by Alexandra B.

Heather is without exaggerating AMAZING! After years of trouble with a certain part of my body, in no time, she made everything change back to equilibrium and to what would be considered normal. She explains everything in detail and therefore gives you a better understanding of why things are the way they are, and how you can work towards turning things around. I would highly recommend Heather for any type of Physical Therapy. She has created her own "Method/Therapy" through years of studying (with some of the greatest practitioners), practice and breaking down the issues of her past patients, enabling her to fine tune her own system. I'm so thankful to have found her, and I'm especially grateful for the quick recovery I've achieved, after years of distress. If you cannot afford her, I recommend you purchase her book. Although it may not be Heather in person, it can still help you to get on the right path to recovery!

-- Alexandra B., 5/20/2015 via Yelp!

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