Symptoms We Treat to Ease Recovery After Surgery:
We can help with many of the various issues that can arise after surgery and help reduce the associated pain and discomfort. Our licensed therapists are experts in dealing with a variety of symptoms that can make recovery difficult. These include:
- Pain management and scar mobilization from"
- cesarean section
- mastectomy
- hysterectomy
- episiotomy
- colon resection
- colostomy
- ileostomy
- laparoscopy
- Visceral mobilization to maintain mobility and motility of organs, which improves bowel, bladder and sexual function and reduces pain
- Lymphatic Massage and Complete Decongestive Therapy
- Strengthening of the abdominal wall
- Post abdominal surgery hernia prevention
- Post-hysterectomy recovery program
- Parastomal hernia prevention
- Post-laprascopic surgery recovery program
- Menopause restorative program
- painful intercourse (typically due to vaginal atrophy and pelvic muscle guarding)
- treatment of urinary and bowel incontinence (involuntary leakage)
Give us a call at (818) 877-6910 or use our appointment form to schedule a time to see one of our trained physical therapists.