Pelvic Floor Issues and Services

Our experience solving a wide range of pelvic floor issues is unmatched in our field, including some less common issues that other therapies cannot always find answers for.

More Disorders We Treat:

  • Deep hip pain / Piriformis Syndrome
  • Coccydynia or painful coccyx can occur because of increased pelvic floor muscle tension or coccyx instability. Acute pain can be evident during sit to stand, intercourse, defecation and during menstruation and during and after sitting. (
  • Levator Ani Syndrome involves chronic or recurrent rectal pain and aching usually > 3 months in duration. Pain also occurs in the sacrum, coccyx, buttocks, and and thighs. Symptoms also increase with sitting.
  • Vestibular or Perineal Itching if found to be absent of infection, should be looked at for musculoskeletal contributions. Tight muscles can pull on fascia (a type of connnective tissue), which in turn can pull on the skin and create constant or frequent itching, often mimicking the symptoms of a yeast infection.