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A Conversation about Female Sexual Health & Pelvic Pain

with Screening of Animated Short Film "Tightly Wound"

Femina PT, the Pelvic Health and Rehabilitation Center, and the Milli, the first Expandable Dilator, are teaming up to bring Shelby Hadden and her animated short film about vaginismus, Tightly Wound, to Los Angeles on Saturday, May 19th! Many of you may know of Shelby and her past struggles with pelvic pain. Her journey getting diagnosed and treated combined with her skills as a filmmaker inspired her to create Tightly Wound to help raise awareness about vaginismus and pelvic pain, helping women get diagnosed and get the help they need.

As pelvic pain physical therapists, we understand all too well the challenges women face getting diagnosed and successfully treated for such personal issues. Every day we witness the emotional and physical drain pelvic pain syndromes have on our patients, threatening everything from one’s sexuality, daily comfort, relationships, and professional and personal lives.

Pelvic floor physical therapists are well-positioned to help women navigate the complicated medical system to get the help they need. A key to recovery is knowing you can and will get better. That’s why we teamed up with Shelby and three other patients to share their success stories, struggles, and how they ultimately recovered from pelvic pain.

May is Pelvic Pain Awareness Month, we want to do our part to help, so here are our plans and goals. We hope you join us!

Our Goals:

  1. Raise awareness about female pelvic pain
  2. Host a seminar for patients:
    1. To meet women who have recovered from pelvic pain & regained the ability to have pleasurable sex
    2. Learn tips about sexuality and intimacy while recovering from pelvic pain
    3. Tightly Wound Los Angeles screening with filmmaker Shelby Hadden (screening and Q and A!)
  3. Raise money for Tightly Wound’s distribution (Filmmaker’s Collaborative, 501c3)

Ladies recovering from pelvic pain, you are invited to our seminar!

Patient Seminar:

Becoming UnWOUND: A Conversation about Female Sexual Health & Pelvic Pain with Screening of Animated Short Film“Tightly Wound”

On Saturday morning, May 19th from 10:00am to 1:00pm the Pelvic Health and Rehabilitation Center in Los Angeles is hosting an event for women recovering from pelvic pain. This event is intended for patients, their partners, and anyone who is interested in this conversation.

To be frank, pelvic pain is a beast. Women in the throes of it often wonder if they will ever recover and have enjoyable sex. We are using this morning to say the answer is YES and remind those struggling that they are not alone!

The Panel

Three amazing women who successfully recovered from pelvic pain are teaming up with their pelvic floor physical therapists Stephanie Prendergast, Heather Jeffcoat, and Jandra Mueller, to share their stories. The treatment process for pelvic pain is challenging, in this physical therapist/patient panel we will discuss how we troubleshooted problems and eliminated pelvic pain.

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Stephanie Prendergast, Heather Jeffcoat, and Jandra Mueller

Experience has taught us that even when the pelvic pain is gone the transition from ‘patient’ to ‘person’ isn’t easy and comes with it’s own challenges. Women often tell us that is hard to bring their sexy back. This is more common than not! We get it, you are not alone, and we want to provide resources to help.

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Erica Marchand, PhD

Erica Marchand, PhD, psychologist and sex therapist is joining us to share tips and strategies on sexual pleasure and intimacy while recovering from pelvic pain. Erica practices in Los Angeles and is also the creator an online program for women to have more, better, and easier orgasms, even with pelvic pain.

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Shelby Hadden

And finally, we are proud to offer a special screening of Tightly Wound and a Question and Answer period with director Shelby Hadden!! Shelby was brave enough to create this film based on her own experience and we are honored to be sharing it.


We are requesting a non-refundable tax-deductible donation of $25.00 (or more if you can!) to help Shelby meet her financial goals for the film. 100% of the proceeds go support Tightly Wound’s distribution. Space is limited, register NOW! Please RSVP to donate and reserve your spot here.

Financial contributions were also made by the Pelvic Health and Rehabilitation Center, Femina Physical Therapy, and Milli, the first expandable dilator. Stay tuned to our blog and social media for more information about Milli!

Light refreshments will be offered and, of course, there will be breaks and time to mingle.

Please share, retweet, and post this blog to help us spread the word about pelvic pain and improve the diagnosis and treatment landscape for patients!

What Our Patients Have to Say


Testimonial by Mary L.

I started seeing Heather to treat my Interstitial Cystitis in November 2016. At this time, I was extremely miserable, in constant pain, and felt as though no one was listening or understood what was going on with my body. I have just finished my last appointment and I can honestly say that my life has completely changed for the better because of Heather and her team of PTs! I live almost completely pain free, and when I do have flare ups, I am able to treat them at home on my own. I am so grateful that this office was recommended to me a honestly cannot recommend them enough!

Read more: Testimonial by Mary L.

Testimonial by Carolina J.

I had tried Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy before (with another PT) and I had a really bad (painful) experience. A friend of mine and fellow patient, told me about Heather, Laureen and Femina PT (née Fusion Wellness & Physical Therapy) and I decided to try again. I am so happy I did! Femina PT have, literally, changed my life. I was able to do again things I couldn't do for over 10 years!! Their bedside manners are impeccable, their knowledge and understanding make me feel comfortable to recommend this place to anyone in pain. Specially if you have Endometriosis. 100% recommended!!

-- Carolina J., 12/28/16 via Yelp!

Testimonial by M.N., age 28

A personal journey and testimonial from one of my patients:

I was diagnosed with vaginismus 4 years ago. I never heard of such medical condition until after I got married. At first my husband and I didn't know what to do, we didn't know what the issues were or how to overcome it. Being born and raised in Armenia and being Christian I wasn't that open about talking to sex with others and so it wasn't easy to seek help. But eventually I went to an Ob-Gyn and luckily she knew about the medical condition (not many doctors know). She referred me to a physical therapist and I couldn't believe it and thought it's something I can handle myself. I ordered a kit from vaginismus.com and started practicing with dilators. There was some small progress but wasn't much helpful.

Read more: Testimonial by M.N., age 28

Testimonial by Amanda W.

Heather's unique physical therapy program literally changed my life! After years of struggling with vaginismus, a condition that made it impossible for me to have intercourse and very difficult to use tampons without pain, a gynecologist referred me to Heather. I was nervous for my first appointment, but Heather's professional and friendly demeanor put me at ease. She did a great job explaining each technique she was using to help my muscles relax. Heather uses a combination of internal and external stretches and exercises to relax the pelvic floor and build muscle strength. Her specially developed home program helped me quickly recover from an issue that seemed insurmountable before meeting Heather. She was optimistic about my progress and incredibly encouraging. Less than 6 months after my first session, I was able to have pain-free sex for the first time in my life! If you are suffering from vaginismus or any other pelvic floor issues, I highly recommend making an appointment with Heather and reading her book!

-- Amanda W., 2/15/16 via Yelp!

Testimonial by Ann V.

I wish i could give this place 10 stars!! 
I have been suffering from vaginismus for 5 years and never found the cure to it. I had seen an ob/gyn and he diagnosed me with vaginismus and told me i needed a surgery to cure my condition, which i refused to do. He also referred me to a PT that he works with, i had given them multiple calls and they never responded back to me, so i started searching yelp for another PT. I am SO HAPPY I found Heather's office! I was working with Laureen, and with her guidance and techniques i was able to be cured from vaginismus in only 2 1/2 short months!!! I couldn't believe how quickly their program worked for me! I am forever grateful and thankful from Heather, and Laureen! They are the absolute best at what they do!

Read more: Testimonial by Ann V.

Testimonial by M.M.

A personal journey and testimonial from one of my patients:

My husband and I were married for 5 years before we were able to have intercourse due to my vaginismus. There was nothing traumatic in my past but for some reason, even though I wanted sex, I mentally avoided "that area" of my body and didn't even admit to myself that there was a problem for a long time, even though I was never able to put tampons in. Once I finally opened my eyes up to the fact that I had a problem, I had a surgery that was supposed to fix the issue.

Read more: Testimonial by M.M.

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