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Woman using hypervolt gun
Image from hyperice.com

Recent studies have shown evidence vibration therapy is just as effective as massage in reducing muscle soreness after exercise and can also help increase range of motion.

Over the past few years, we’ve been using more vibration and percussive therapy products at the clinic, such as the Hypervolt gun, vibrating foam rollers, and vibrating massage balls. But what’s all the hype about?

Effect on Muscle Soreness

In a 2014 study by Imtiyaz et al., they found that a 5 minute session with a vibration device provided as much relief to muscle soreness as a 15 minute massage session over the same area, as compared to control groups who received neither after a bout of exercise.

Vibration provides stimulation to muscle spindles, which may reduce issues such as muscle and connective tissue dysfunction. Vibration may also reduce the perception of pain through the mechanism of pain gait theory, which is also the mechanism of action in interventions such as TENS.

Range of Motion

In a 2020 study by Konrad et al. a 5 minute massage with a handheld percussive massage gun on the calves was found to increase the range of motion in the plantar flexor muscles. The researchers also found that the increase in ROM was not coupled with a change in maximum voluntary contraction torque, meaning that the patients saw an increase in the range of motion without a decrease in the output strength of their muscles. This suggests that percussive massage treatment can be used during a warm-up routine to increase flexibility, without losing muscle performance.

According to a review by Weerapong et al. (2005), increases in ROM following a conventional massage may be attributed to the biomechanical changes that are being made on the muscle fibers, an increase in blood flow, a reduction in perception of pain, and also psychological changes such as increased relaxation.

Get Your Percussive and Vibration Massage Tools at the Clinic

We sell the entire Hypervolt line of massage guns, vibrating foam rollers, and vibrating massage balls at the clinic. Ask your therapist to give one of these products a try during your next session or give us a call to purchase! We often incorporate these devices with other stretching or relaxation modalities when appropriate in your treatment sessions. You an also schedule an instructional telehealth session in California (or virtual consultation worldwide) or visit us in office if you want to learn how to use your device to acheive your optimal outcomes.


Imtiyaz, S., Veqar, Z., & Shareef, M. Y. (2014). To Compare the Effect of Vibration Therapy and Massage in Prevention of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND DIAGNOSTIC RESEARCH. doi:10.7860/jcdr/2014/7294.3971

Broadbent S, Rousseau JJ, Thorp RM, Choate SL, Jackson FS and Rowlands DS. Vibration therapy reduces plasma IL6 and muscle soreness after downhill running. British journal of sports medicine. 2010; 44(12), 888-94.

Konrad A, Glashüttner C, Reiner MM, Bernsteiner D, Tilp M. The Acute Effects of a Percussive Massage Treatment with a Hypervolt Device on Plantar Flexor Muscles' Range of Motion and Performance. J Sports Sci Med. 2020;19(4):690-694. Published 2020 Nov 19.

Weerapong P., Hume P. A., Kolt G. S. (2005). The mechanisms of massage and effects on performance, muscle recovery and injury prevention. Sports Medicine 35, 235–256. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

What Our Patients Have to Say


Testimonial by R.S.

I wanted to thank you so much for helping me get through something I thought I may never be able to. We have achieved pain-free intercourse and this has really solidified our marriage. We are so grateful to you for all the work you do! Thank you!!

-- R.S.

Testimonial by R.S.

I wanted to thank you so much for helping me get through something I thought I may never be able to. We have achieved pain-free intercourse and this has really solidified our marriage. We are so grateful to you for all the work you do! Thank you!!

-- R.S.

Testimonial by R.H.

No one could tell me why I was having pain during sex--sharp pain, not just uncomfortable, pain. I was referred to Heather Jeffcoat after researching several different options. I had seen a specialist who told me physical therapy would not help and my only option was surgery. I really didn't want to go that route, so when we got a referral, I decided to try it--it can't hurt, I thought. I am so glad I did. She diagnosed the problem right away, which was a relief in itself.

To know why I was having pain eased my mind immensely. And to hear that she could fix it without surgery was another relief. She said she could fix the problem in 6 weeks. I think it was actually 4 for me. She was very methodical, and treated me as an intelligent human being capable of participating in my own recovery. I would absolutely recommend her to anyone. She did not try to prolong my session numbers, she worked hard to accommodate my schedule (and the fact that I had to bring a baby to sessions), and she was completely honest the entire time. It is so hard to find someone with these characteristics, much less a professional who is so good at what she does. She has my highest respect.

-- R.H.

Testimonial by Rosanna R., age 35

Heather has affected my life in the MOST POSITIVE way and I am forever grateful. My husband refers to her as the "sex doctor" so you can only imagine how happy he is with my therapy outcome.

After the birth of my son I suffered from "Vaginismus", however, at the time I just thought I was broken. My "broken vagina" affected me physically but it was an emotional struggle as well. Many women in my life also suffered with pain from sex after their babies were born so I knew I wasn't alone. They told me they "just got used to it" but I couldn't see myself living that way.

Sex wasn't just painful, it was literally impossible - IT DIDNT FIT!

Read more: Testimonial by Rosanna R.,...

Testimonial by P.M.

I was hopeful but frankly skeptical when the doctor treating me for Interstitial Cystitis recommended that I go to Heather for physical therapy. Medication and diet helped control my IC symptoms, but I had never heard of physical therapy being used to treat IC. The education and treatment I received from Heather was a revelation. She explained that the pain I experienced with IC had helped create a cycle of muscle guarding which affected the entire pelvic area. I had no idea of the amount of tension being held there. No wonder my husband and I had not been able to have sexual intercourse for years!

Read more: Testimonial by P.M.

Testimonial by J.H.

My last appointment with Heather was over 6 years ago but I still think of her every day. I don’t take for granted that I can easily get out of bed, care for my two active and busy young boys, run, play tennis, clean my house, or sit at a desk for several hours at a time. None of these tasks were easy for me before meeting Heather. Eight years ago my car was struck from behind by a tractor trailer that was estimated to have been speeding. I spent 3 years working with different PTs and Drs trying to heal and move on with my life. When I became pregnant and the hormone relaxin that “relaxes” all the joints of the body and the additional weight gain erased all my progress and I was suddenly in a lot of pain again. My OB sent me to Heather for one last try.

Read more: Testimonial by J.H.

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