Anatomical drawing of pelvis depicting sexual dysfunction after pelvic fracture

Sexual Dysfunction After Pelvic Fracture Can be Traumatic

A 2014 study by Harvey-Kelly et al. points to the fact that the long term consequences of this injury can include sexual dysfunction and pelvic pain for both males and females.

Pelvic fractures occur most commonly with a high-energy trauma. The most common ways people fracture their pelvis include motor vehicle (57%), pedestrians hit by car (18%), motorcycle crushes (9%), falls from a height (9%), and crush injuries (5%) (Harvey-Kelly, 2014).

Chronic Issues After Pelvic Fracture

Thanks to advancements in critical care medicine and acute trauma care, the mortality rate for those who have had a pelvic fracture has been reduced over the years. However, pelvic fracture survivors often report chronic issues including chronic pain, chronic pelvic pain, changes in gait, issues with bowel and bladder, and sexual dysfunction. This is because the muscles, bones, nerves, and blood vessels, are often all implicated in these injuries, and the pelvis contains the organs of the urinary, bowel, and sexual function systems. Therefore, the subsequent rehabilitation of all these systems is more complicated than, say, a fracture of your ulna or radius in your forearm.

Prevalence of Sexual Dysfunction After Pelvic Fracture

In the 2014 study, survivors of pelvic fracture were assessed at a median period of 36 months after their injury. Patients were given questionnaires that asked questions about issues like orgasmic function, sexual desire, intercourse satisfaction, lubrication, erection quality, and pain with sex.

73.8% of the study participants showed a decrease in overall sexual function after pelvic fracture. Sexual dysfunction was identified in 43.8% of the female and 52.1% of the male patients, using the female sexual function index and the international index of erectile function. Quality of life scores were also significantly decreased for 77.5% of all the participants in the study.

The results of this study show that sexual dysfunction is an issue that many people who survive pelvic fractures may suffer from, but not all of them may be seeking treatment. Treatments such as pelvic floor therapy may help.

How Pelvic Floor Therapy Can Help

The therapists at Femina are experts at rehabilitation of pelvic injuries and the issues with the pelvic floor that may result. Some of the modalities used at Femina Physical Therapy to address sexual dysfunction after pelvic fracture can include (but are not limited to):

  • Manual therapy including soft tissue massage, connective tissue manipulation, muscle energy techniques, and myofascial release to treat connective tissue dysfunction and myofascial trigger points
  • Internal pelvic floor manual therapy to treat sensitive tissues, muscle spasms, trigger points, and muscle guarding that can cause issues like pain with sex, frequency and urgency of urination, and pain with bowel movements
  • Therapeutic exercises to strengthen muscles stabilizing the pelvic region, release entrapped nerves or strengthen the pelvic floor
  • Biofeedback technology to help you focus on relaxing the pelvic floor
  • Photobiomodulation Therapy for pain relief and encouraging cellular healing and desensitization of scar tissue adhesions, tender trigger points, and muscle spasm pain.
  • Visceral mobilization (gentle massage techniques that loosen internal adhesions and restore movement to the organs including the intestine, bladder, uterus, and ovaries) to improve motility and GI organ function
  • Training in self treatment techniques so you can start to manage your symptoms at home. These techniques can include self pelvic floor massage using medical dilators
  • Neuromuscular re-education and autogenic relaxation to reduce chronic muscle over-activity and improve parasympathetic nervous system function, including pain management and digestion
  • Patient Education and Empowerment

  • Lifestyle modifications like sexual positioning, stress reduction, bladder and bowel habits, hygiene, and optimal fluid intake and dietary fiber intake to control other factors that may be contributing to pelvic floor dysfunction.

If you are experiencing sexual dysfunction after pelvic fracture:

  • Schedule an appointment with your doctor.
    Tell your doctor your symptoms to get the appropriate referrals to specialists such as pelvic floor physical therapists, GI doctors, and psychologists to help you build a robust healthcare team.
  • Schedule an appointment with a pelvic floor physical therapist.
    Get a comprehensive evaluation with a pelvic floor physical therapist to establish a treatment plan and goals for your road to sexual health and recovery.

Are you dealing with sexual dysfunction after pelvic fracture? To learn more about our total body approach to chronic pelvic pain, contact us here.



Harvey-Kelly, K. F., Kanakaris, N. K., Obakponovwe, O., West, R. M., & Giannoudis, P. V. (2014). Quality of Life and Sexual Function After Traumatic Pelvic Fracture. Journal of Orthopedic Trauma, 28(1), 28–35. doi:10.1097/bot.0b013e31828fc063

Copeland CE, Bosse MJ, McCarthy ML, et al. Effect of trauma and pelvic fracture on female genitourinary, sexual, and reproductive function. J Orthop Trauma. 1997;11:73–81.

Meyhoff CS, Thomsen CH, Rasmussen LS, et al. High incidence of chronic pain following surgery for pelvic fracture. Clin J Pain. 2006;22:167–172.

Metze M, Tiemann AH, Josten C. Male sexual dysfunction after pelvic fracture. J Trauma. 2007;63:394–401.

What Our Patients Have to Say


Testimonial by M.M.

My husband and I were married for 5 years and unable to have intercourse, but I never knew why. After numerous awful experiences at doctor’s offices (where many doctors told me I “just needed to relax”), a surgery that didn’t fix the problem, and a year of owning dilators that didn’t get me anywhere, someone finally referred me to Heather for Physical Therapy. I finally had answers and information from someone who knew exactly what I was dealing with!

Read more: Testimonial by M.M.

Testimonial by J.B.

My husband and I were having problems with painful intercourse. My therapist recommended that I go and get a pelvic floor evaluation from a physical therapist. Having never been treated by a physical therapist, I wondered how this really was going to help me. My husband who is a physician was very supportive and agreed that a PT evaluation would be a great idea. So i made the appointment and was blown away by what I learned. I had no idea that pelvic floor muscles could get tight and have trigger points just like any other muscle in the body. I'm a massage therapist and very familiar with tight muscles, and this new thought really amazed me. Heather's program to help relax and strengthen these muscles made such a difference. I can say that I am 100% pain free during intercourse now. Yippee! Going to the PT appointments and doing the at-home exercises was definitely a discipline, but it's 100% worth it! The rewards are amazing.

-- J.B.

Testimonial by Jackie W.

I was in multiple car accidents a decade ago, and I have been to many physical therapists through the years without success. They found the root of my lower back pain problems and after nearly a decade of barely being able to walk I finally can again without pain. They are also the best pelvic floor pts and the only ones who found the connection between my pelvic floor and lower back problems. If you need help with physical pain, they are your answer.

-- Jackie W., 1/19/17 via Yelp!

Testimonial by R.M., Age 40

I can’t speak highly enough of the theapists at Femina Physical Therapy and how much they have helped me grow, discover, and love my body. I had had painful sex for my entire life, and didn’t know that there was anything that could be done about it. It was at the point where my husband and I were not having sex for MONTHs, because it was just too frustrating, and I hated feeling like I was the ONLY woman out there who had this problem, especially at my age. I finally brought it up to my doctor because I was turning 40 and my husband and I were barely having enough sex to conceive. And she brought up pelvic floor, PT. I didn’t even know this was a “thing”.

Read more: Testimonial by R.M., Age 40

Testimonial by Jamie M.

I have been going to see Heather for a while now, and I can't tell you enough how much she has improved my quality of life. Heather specializes in issues like pelvic floor, but I see her for other orthopedic issues.

I have a lot of chronic joint pain and dysfunction issues (back, hips, neck) that require that have ongoing physical therapy maintenance. The effects of my problem joints/areas overlap and interconnect with each other in complex ways, so helping me requires really having a complete understanding of the entire skeletal and muscular system. Pain does not always appear where the problem actually is, the human body is a twisty, many-layered puzzle. I have an exercise program I do at home and I am very functional, but there are just something things I need a PT to help me out with.

Read more: Testimonial by Jamie M.

Testimonial by S.S., age 54

Heather is the best! I saw her today for terrible hip/groin pain. I was so impressed with the safety measures in place and felt completely safe . Thanks for the healing hands.

S.S., age 54


Beverly Hills:

9012 Burton Way
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Telephone: (310) 871-9554

The Beverly Hills office is convenient to Mid-Wilshire, West Hollywood, Hollywood, Beverlywood, Korea Town, Downtown LA, Culver City, Century City, Santa Monica and Malibu.


Monday 12:00-5:00
Tuesday 7:00-6:00
Wednesday CALL
Thursday 2:00-6:00
Friday 7:00-6:00


350 S. Lake Avenue #220
Pasadena, Ca 91101

Telephone: (818) 873-1403

Our Pasadena location is convenient to Glendale, Montrose, Burbank, Silver Lake, Los Feliz, Atwater Village, and Eagle Rock.


Monday 7:00-6:00
Tuesday 7:00-4:00
Wednesday CALL
Thursday 7:00-4:00
Friday CALL

Sherman Oaks:

13425 Ventura Blvd. Suite 200
Sherman Oaks, California 91423

Telephone: (818) 877-6910

The Sherman Oaks office is adjacent to Studio City and serves the Bel Air, Brentwood, West LA, Mulholland, Beverly Hills, Encino, Calabasas and San Fernando Valley area.


Monday 7:30-6:00
Tuesday 7:00-6:00
Wednesday 7:00-6:00
Thursday 8:00-6:00
Friday 7:00-6:00