Non-Surgical Treatments for Pelvic Organ Prolapse | Image Courtesy of Annie Spratt via Unsplash
Non-Surgical Treatments for Pelvic Organ Prolapse | Image Courtesy of Annie Spratt via Unsplash

Are There Non-Surgical Treatments for Pelvic Organ Prolapse?

That constant heavy feeling in your pelvic area. That embarrassing urine leakage. That bulge ‘down there’.

It took a while, but you found the courage to talk to your doctor about your symptoms. (Good for you!) Now you know your condition has a name – pelvic organ prolapse – and a treatment. But is surgery really the best option?

Research estimates that 50% of all women who give birth will develop pelvic organ prolapse at some point in life; but while pregnancy and childbirth top the list of risk factors, the condition usually develops over time from a combination of factors that can also include anything from frequent strenuous gym workouts to smoking to menopause (and even genetics).

For years, surgery was the go-to treatment plan; and it is helpful for some women. But complications are possible – and horror stories, especially about newer synthetic mesh surgeries, have trended more than once on social media in the last few years. That bad publicity, and the number of younger women seeking treatment, have led to an increase in the popularity of some non-surgical treatments for pelvic organ prolapse – pessaries and pelvic floor physical therapy.

Non-Surgical Treatment Options for Pelvic Organ Prolapse

What is a Pessary?

In simplest terms, a pessary is "a device inserted into the vagina to provide structural support". They come in a variety of shapes to meet different structural needs and control a woman’s specific symptoms. The best pessary candidates are POP patients who are pregnant or want to have children in the future, and those who prefer to start with a more conservative treatment approach. In fact, pessaries have traditionally been used with patients waiting for surgery; but half the women in one study who experienced symptom relief from a well-fitted pessary chose to delay surgery for a year or more. Additionally, although many doctors still consider pessaries a short-term solution, at least one recent study found that they are a good long-term treatment option for sexually active women. And – here’s the best news – researchers say pessary use can “significantly improve desire, lubrication, and sexual satisfaction” in POP patients. Not surprisingly, the same study found those women also reported improved quality of life.

The downside to pessary use is more of a cautionary tale than horror story. Not every patient is a candidate (22% of patients can’t be fitted for various reasons). Successful use takes a certain amount of self-management, including proper removal, cleaning, re-insertion, and reporting any complications. About three-quarters of women using a pessary to treat pelvic organ prolapse will experience a complication at some point; but most of those are minor and the majority of patients say they are still satisfied with the improved quality of life a pessary provides.

Not all pessaries are created equal, especially when it comes to sexual activity. Some need to be removed for intercourse, and a few don’t allow intercourse at all. If you’re considering short- or long-term pessary use, it’s important to be very open with your healthcare professional and your partner(s) about your sexual activity and what to expect from the device that is best for you.

PFMT or Pelvic Floor Muscle Training

But there’s another treatment option for women who suffer from pelvic organ prolapse – pelvic floor physical therapy, specifically pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT). It’s performed in-office by a licensed and experienced pelvic health physical therapist and often involves home exercises as well. While it can’t reverse pelvic organ prolapse, significant research shows it can put the brakes on the condition – keep it from advancing, reduce the symptoms, and improve sexual activity. Many POP patients are highly satisfied with the results of pelvic floor physical therapy, especially when compared to the risks and lifestyle effects of surgery. Experts agree that it is an excellent first step in treating the condition.

Femina PT's Approach to Pelvic Organ Prolapse Treatment

At Femina PT, pelvic floor physical therapy is the hallmark of our treatment program… and it works for more than POP! Whether you’re looking for non-surgical treatments for pelvic organ prolapse, are experiencing urinary incontinence, or dealing with painful sex – our expertly trained and highly experienced therapists can help.


Rantell A. 2019. Vaginal Pessaries for Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Their Impact on Sexual Function. Sexual Medicine Reviews 7:4 597-603.

What Our Patients Have to Say


Testimonial by A.M.

Months after giving birth, it was difficult for me to go from a sitting or lying position up to a full standing position without feeling that I had to remain hunched over until a bit of time had passed to get fully upright. However, after taking Heather’s course, I learned exercises to get my body back to normal. She also showed me correct ways to lift and carry my son as well as put him in/take him out of the carseat and stroller. This class was really beneficial and Heather is a wonderful teacher who made me feel very comfortable.

-- A.M.

Testimonial by R.S.

I wanted to thank you so much for helping me get through something I thought I may never be able to. We have achieved pain-free intercourse and this has really solidified our marriage. We are so grateful to you for all the work you do! Thank you!!

-- R.S.

Testimonial by Julie T.

Femina PT (née Fusion Wellness & Physical Therapy) has honestly changed my life. Before receiving treatment at Femina, I was going doctor to doctor to try and find the answer to my pelvic pain. It has taken me YEARS to find someone that can help fix this. It wasn't until my gynecologist recommended your clinic that I finally felt relief. My pelvic pain is almost gone, and granted I still have a lot more to work on with Laureen (my PT), my original problem is nearly cured. I am so grateful to her.

What is even better is she gave me practical exercises to do at home that were not tedious and provided instant (and lasting) relief. Although I mainly work with Laureen, my interaction with the owner (Heather) has been great. She is very generous, kind, and committed to her business.

It hurts to know there are women out there suffering who will never know or have the opportunity to work with women like Laureen and Heather because this issue is hardly talked about and this field is so rare. I hope more doctors and physical therapists see the value in this work and can relieve more woman of their pain.

-- Julie T., 12/4/16 via Yelp!

Testimonial by Julie T.

Femina PT (née Fusion Wellness & Physical Therapy) has honestly changed my life. Before receiving treatment at Femina, I was going doctor to doctor to try and find the answer to my pelvic pain. It has taken me YEARS to find someone that can help fix this. It wasn't until my gynecologist recommended your clinic that I finally felt relief. My pelvic pain is almost gone, and granted I still have a lot more to work on with Laureen (my PT), my original problem is nearly cured. I am so grateful to her.

What is even better is she gave me practical exercises to do at home that were not tedious and provided instant (and lasting) relief. Although I mainly work with Laureen, my interaction with the owner (Heather) has been great. She is very generous, kind, and committed to her business.

It hurts to know there are women out there suffering who will never know or have the opportunity to work with women like Laureen and Heather because this issue is hardly talked about and this field is so rare. I hope more doctors and physical therapists see the value in this work and can relieve more woman of their pain.

-- Julie T., 12/4/16 via Yelp!

Testimonial by S.B.

As someone who suffered the debilitating physical and emotional effects of vaginismus (as well as a complicated history of back injuries) for more than 15 years, I thought a "normal" life was just a fantasy. Then I found Heather.

Read more: Testimonial by S.B.

Testimonial by M.M.

A personal journey and testimonial from one of my patients:

My husband and I were married for 5 years before we were able to have intercourse due to my vaginismus. There was nothing traumatic in my past but for some reason, even though I wanted sex, I mentally avoided "that area" of my body and didn't even admit to myself that there was a problem for a long time, even though I was never able to put tampons in. Once I finally opened my eyes up to the fact that I had a problem, I had a surgery that was supposed to fix the issue.

Read more: Testimonial by M.M.


Beverly Hills:

9012 Burton Way
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Telephone: (310) 871-9554

The Beverly Hills office is convenient to Mid-Wilshire, West Hollywood, Hollywood, Beverlywood, Korea Town, Downtown LA, Culver City, Century City, Santa Monica and Malibu.


Monday 12:00-5:00
Tuesday 7:00-6:00
Wednesday CALL
Thursday 2:00-6:00
Friday 7:00-6:00


350 S. Lake Avenue #220
Pasadena, Ca 91101

Telephone: (818) 873-1403

Our Pasadena location is convenient to Glendale, Montrose, Burbank, Silver Lake, Los Feliz, Atwater Village, and Eagle Rock.


Monday 7:00-6:00
Tuesday 7:00-4:00
Wednesday CALL
Thursday 7:00-4:00
Friday CALL

Sherman Oaks:

13425 Ventura Blvd. Suite 200
Sherman Oaks, California 91423

Telephone: (818) 877-6910

The Sherman Oaks office is adjacent to Studio City and serves the Bel Air, Brentwood, West LA, Mulholland, Beverly Hills, Encino, Calabasas and San Fernando Valley area.


Monday 7:30-6:00
Tuesday 7:00-6:00
Wednesday 7:00-6:00
Thursday 8:00-6:00
Friday 7:00-6:00