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squat and hover to pee
Photo by Mitchell Orr on Unsplash

Don’t squat and hover to pee!

Sit down and relax your pelvic floor muscles.

Ok, ok so this tip is always met with some pushback, but to those of you who prefer to squat and hover to pee rather than sit should be aware that this habit is not good for your pelvic floor! Sit down and relax!

Why is it so bad for you to squat and hover to pee?

When you are in a partial squat, hovering over the toilet, the muscles of your glutes, legs, abs, back, and pelvic floor are activated and cannot fully relax. For urine to flow easily and fully, the pelvic floor muscles and the muscles surrounding your pelvis have to relax.

If you squat and hover to pee and your muscles are tense, chances are that you will have to bear down to initiate your urine flow or make your pee come out faster. This is not good and can contribute to issues like pelvic organ prolapse, urine retention, and a greater risk for bladder infections. All in all, a good reason to take a seat and relax!

But what about the GERMS?

Use a toilet seat cover if you’re worried about germs, or use toilet paper to line the seat. Or get creative, carry some alcohol spray and spray down the surfaces that freak you out (honestly the door handles and toilet seat handles have more germs than the toilet seat).

And what about coming to a FULL SQUAT?

I am a big fan of using a foot stool or top of a small trash can to put the body into a full squat position for bowel movements and urination alike. Why? Because resting in a full squat is much different than a squat and hover to pee because your muscles can fully relax in a full, restful squat.

Stop Straining in the Bathroom

Constantly straining to make a bowel movement or to empty your bladder in a hurry is not only pushing your waste out, it is also pushing your organs downward.

Don’t strain! Avoid straining, no pushing your pee out or holding your breath to force out a BM. Take your time and visualize the pelvic floor getting soft and heavy. Deep breathing, when done correctly, is much more efficient at emptying the bladder and bowel than straining and pushing.

Getting into an ergonomic toileting position will help you go without straining.

Don't Squat and Hover to Pee

The best position to sit on the toilet:

  • Always sit on the toilet seat. No hovering!
  • Feet firmly planted on a step stool
  • Legs are separated to hip width’s distance or wider, elbows resting on thighs
  • Lean forward with your knees higher than your hips
  • Allow belly to get soft, floppy, and relaxed
  • Stay relaxed on the toilet; relax your breathing and practice deep breathing exercise as outlined above.
  • Allow yourself time. Don’t rush. Don’t strain.
  • Don’t ignore urges to use your bladder or bowel.

Rather than doing the "squat and hover to pee", taking the time to sit and pee will make a difference on the strain that your pelvic floor muscles are taking and can help you regain some muscle coordination and strength to help with your bladder control issues.

Call us at Femina Physical Therapy to set up an appointment to get you back to doing the things you love, symptom free.

**This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor.

What Our Patients Have to Say


Testimonial by P.M.

I was hopeful but frankly skeptical when the doctor treating me for Interstitial Cystitis recommended that I go to Heather for physical therapy. Medication and diet helped control my IC symptoms, but I had never heard of physical therapy being used to treat IC. The education and treatment I received from Heather was a revelation. She explained that the pain I experienced with IC had helped create a cycle of muscle guarding which affected the entire pelvic area. I had no idea of the amount of tension being held there. No wonder my husband and I had not been able to have sexual intercourse for years!

Read more: Testimonial by P.M.

Testimonial by M.N., age 28

A personal journey and testimonial from one of my patients:

I was diagnosed with vaginismus 4 years ago. I never heard of such medical condition until after I got married. At first my husband and I didn't know what to do, we didn't know what the issues were or how to overcome it. Being born and raised in Armenia and being Christian I wasn't that open about talking to sex with others and so it wasn't easy to seek help. But eventually I went to an Ob-Gyn and luckily she knew about the medical condition (not many doctors know). She referred me to a physical therapist and I couldn't believe it and thought it's something I can handle myself. I ordered a kit from vaginismus.com and started practicing with dilators. There was some small progress but wasn't much helpful.

Read more: Testimonial by M.N., age 28

Testimonial by Mary L.

I started seeing Heather to treat my Interstitial Cystitis in November 2016. At this time, I was extremely miserable, in constant pain, and felt as though no one was listening or understood what was going on with my body. I have just finished my last appointment and I can honestly say that my life has completely changed for the better because of Heather and her team of PTs! I live almost completely pain free, and when I do have flare ups, I am able to treat them at home on my own. I am so grateful that this office was recommended to me a honestly cannot recommend them enough!

Read more: Testimonial by Mary L.

Testimonial by R.H.

No one could tell me why I was having pain during sex--sharp pain, not just uncomfortable, pain. I was referred to Heather Jeffcoat after researching several different options. I had seen a specialist who told me physical therapy would not help and my only option was surgery. I really didn't want to go that route, so when we got a referral, I decided to try it--it can't hurt, I thought. I am so glad I did. She diagnosed the problem right away, which was a relief in itself.

To know why I was having pain eased my mind immensely. And to hear that she could fix it without surgery was another relief. She said she could fix the problem in 6 weeks. I think it was actually 4 for me. She was very methodical, and treated me as an intelligent human being capable of participating in my own recovery. I would absolutely recommend her to anyone. She did not try to prolong my session numbers, she worked hard to accommodate my schedule (and the fact that I had to bring a baby to sessions), and she was completely honest the entire time. It is so hard to find someone with these characteristics, much less a professional who is so good at what she does. She has my highest respect.

-- R.H.

Testimonial by S.P., Age 26

I would like to start off by thanking Heather Jeffcoat for educating me and curing me of Vaginismus. I had been married for almost three years before I was referred to Heather. I never knew about Vaginismus until almost three years into my marriage. I knew something was wrong when I went on my honeymoon and came back a Virgin. I had always imagined how magical my first night would be but boy was I wrong.

Read more: Testimonial by S.P., Age 26

Testimonial by Y.L. (mom of 2)

After having my second baby via C-section I searched for months to try to find help for my lower back pain and separated abdominal muscles. I finally came across Heather Jeffcoat via a mommy blog. I reached out to her via email and set my first appointment. My first appointment went amazing … she listened to what my symptoms, check my separation and explained to me in detail what the next steps would be. Not only did my abdominal separation go from 3 to about 1 -1/2 but my back has pain has significantly reduced. I’m personally recommending all my mommy friends to Heather!

Y.L. (mom of 2)

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