Getting Back to Exercise Postpartum

A healthy lifestyle includes getting back to exercise postpartum

Exercise has shown to be beneficial in all stages of life, and the postpartum period is no exception.

Some of the benefits of postpartum exercise are:

  • Strengthen and tone abdominal muscles
  • Boosts energy
  • May help prevent postpartum depression
  • Promotes better sleep
  • Relieves stress
  • Can help you lose the extra weight that you may have gained during pregnancy
    (ACOG, July 2019).

Even with all these benefits, research shows that most mothers stop participating in exercise programs which leads to increased weight gain and obesity (Minig et al., and O’Toole et al., 2003). There are many adjustments that have to be made when becoming a new mother and the information on the internet regarding postpartum exercise can be misguided and overwhelming. Let's break down what the literature says about guidelines for returning to exercise postpartum.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) guidelines for returning to exercise are to resume exercise slowly based on the woman’s physical capabilities. ACOG recommends returning to pre pregnancy exercises at six weeks postpartum. This timeline is based on persisting physiological and morphological changes of pregnancy.

After a cesarean, most practitioners clear their patients to return to pre pregnancy exercise at eight weeks postpartum. The main concern in this time period is allowing the abdominal incision to heal. Dr. James Clapp, an exercise physiologist has conducted several studies on the effects of exercise on pregnancy and postpartum. In his last book co-authored by Catherine Cram, they laid out more specific guidelines on returning to exercise in the postpartum period.

They suggest that the main goal of exercise in the initial six weeks is to obtain personal time and redevelop a sense of control. The following are recommended:

(1) beginning slowly and increasing gradually;
(2) avoiding excessive fatigue and dehydration;
(3) supporting and compressing the abdomen and breasts;
(4) stopping to evaluate if it hurts; and
(5) stopping exercise and seeking medical evaluation if experiencing bright red vaginal bleeding heavier than a menstrual period.

They add that if it feels good, it probably is; highlighting the importance of listening to your body. If you feel pain, try to modify the exercise or seek out a professional to help guide you through this phase. If you feel soreness in the right muscles, great, you are on the right path!

Based on Clapp and Cram’s research, the goal during the remainder of the postpartum year is to improve physical fitness and status. Another group of researchers, Dewey and McCrory recommend that women beginning a postpartum exercise program should obtain medical clearance, begin slowly, progress gradually, and maintain adequate fluid intake. McCrory also recommends that women exercise aerobically 3-6 days a week for 25 to 60 minutes, supplement with muscle toning exercises, and being creative as it may be necessary to exercise with children. It is recommended to discuss these guidelines at your postpartum visits and create an individualized plan with your healthcare provider.

Below these guidelines are broken down into two separate categories, the first 24 hours postpartum to 6 weeks and on.

First six weeks postpartum:

The first few exercises can begin 24 hours after childbirth. Reestablish a connection to your breath and core with diaphragmatic breathing and kegels. Begin gently and progress as your connection to your core returns. Walking is also a great way to return to exercise in the early postpartum stages.

In the first six weeks of postpartum the goal of exercise is to promote relaxation and enhance wellbeing. Self monitoring is a great tool to make sure your exercise program is serving you. Based on Clapp and Cram’s research some of the things you should monitor during the first six weeks of exercise are:

  • How the exercise makes you feel- It should feel good and enhance feelings of well-being
  • Pain or heavy bleeding- there should not be any associated to exercise
  • Fluid intake- need an adequate amount
  • Rest- important to get plenty
  • Normal Infant weight gain

So what are adequate quantities of fluid and how do you know if infant weight gain is normal?

Urine color can be a good tool to assess hydration. Clear to pale yellow is the goal. Also, a good rule of thumb is you should feel like you need to urinate around the same time you feed the baby (approx every 2-3 hours).

Making sure your infant is gaining weight appropriately can be assessed at each well baby visit. Also by daily monitoring of soft stool and the number of soiled diapers in a 24 hour period (5-6). This is the time to adjust to all the new changes in your personal life and body. Take it slow and listen to your body.

You should also continue to self monitor during and after your workout session. Some questions to ask yourself are: Do you feel tired after your exercise routine? Pain? More stiff? If the answer is yes to any of these then you may need to revise your exercise program or seek out a qualified professional for guidance.

6 Weeks on:

Based on Clapp and Cram’s book, the main concerns during this time are monitoring performance, well-being and growth, and development of the baby. They recommend weekly self monitoring to assess for over and under training. Some of the key assessments are discomfort, pain, performance, motivation and fatigue.

It is important for the new mother to identify what her goals are and develop a program around her new lifestyle of also being a Mom. This may mean making realistic goals and creating exercise programs that address all domains of physical activity (cardiovascular, strengthening, stretching and well-being). It is important to have a well balanced exercise program to avoid burn-out and injury. It may be helpful to find activities that combine two or more of these components while promoting emotional wellbeing.

This is an individual process to find what exercises or sports are your “play”. The goal is to find an activity you enjoy that you would want to return to. Tracking performance can help with determining appropriate intensity of exercise and motivation. Cram and Clapp suggest monitoring pulse rate, rating of perceived exertion, speed, milage, strength or sport specific skills. These should all improve gradually over time.

It can be helpful to seek out a qualified physical or pelvic therapist postpartum to reestablish a connection to your core. Additionally, if you are experiencing any pain, weakness, urinary incontinence or pressure this should be evaluated further. Contact us here for an in-office or telehealth session in California (and virtual consultations worldwide) so we can help you reach your postpartum exercise goals.



Clapp, J. F., & Cram, C. (2012). Exercising through your pregnancy. Omaha, Nebraska: Addicus Books.

Exercise After Pregnancy. (n.d.). Retrieved December 15, 2020, from

Larson‐Meyer, D. (2012, September 06). Effect of Postpartum Exercise on Mothers and their Offspring: A Review of the Literature. Retrieved December 15, 2020

Minig, L., Trimble, E. L., Sarsotti, C., Sebastiani, M. M., & Spong, C. Y. (2009). Building the Evidence Base for Postoperative and Postpartum Advice. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 114(4), 892–900. doi:10.1097/aog.0b013e3181b6f50d

O’Toole ML, Sawicki MA, Artal R. Structured diet and physical activity prevent postpartum weight retention. J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2003;12:991–8.

What Our Patients Have to Say


Testimonial by A.W., age 32

I wanted to let you know that my pelvic floor held strong and gave me no trouble whatsoever in my trail race this morning (12 miles)! In a way, I felt like I ran better than ever because my core feels so rock solid from all the exercises you have me doing. That was especially valuable on the technical downhill - I just flew down the trail because I had confidence in my balance and form. Thank you for helping me get back to doing what I love.

-- A.W., age 32
(completed Post-partum Renewal Program using the InTone biofeedback/stim unit)

Testimonial by Amanda W.

Heather's unique physical therapy program literally changed my life! After years of struggling with vaginismus, a condition that made it impossible for me to have intercourse and very difficult to use tampons without pain, a gynecologist referred me to Heather. I was nervous for my first appointment, but Heather's professional and friendly demeanor put me at ease. She did a great job explaining each technique she was using to help my muscles relax. Heather uses a combination of internal and external stretches and exercises to relax the pelvic floor and build muscle strength. Her specially developed home program helped me quickly recover from an issue that seemed insurmountable before meeting Heather. She was optimistic about my progress and incredibly encouraging. Less than 6 months after my first session, I was able to have pain-free sex for the first time in my life! If you are suffering from vaginismus or any other pelvic floor issues, I highly recommend making an appointment with Heather and reading her book!

-- Amanda W., 2/15/16 via Yelp!

Testimonial by A.B.

Before I was referred to Heather Jeffcoat I was living in a nightmare. I had been married to my husband for three years and I was suffering from Vaginismus. That all changed when I visited my OBGYN and she said she knew of someone with a great success rate. To be honest I was hesitant at first because my first doctor had already told me that all I needed to do was order dilators from the internet and I should overcome my problem. She was wrong because I had followed the book on how to use the dilators with absolutely no advancements in my condition. However, that all changed when I went in for my first visit and Heather took the time to explain my condition and how we were going to work together to overcome it.

I remember leaving her office with a glimmer of hope that I could live a normal life. As my sessions continued I began to see immediate results. With only four sessions and a strict dedication to my home programs I was cured of Vaginismus. In the beginning of this process I was made aware that my health insurance company might not cover the costs, which was disappointing but today I can say one hundred percent that it was the best money I ever spent. Now thanks to Heather I am finally enjoying my life to the fullest with my husband. Thank you Heather, I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate all that you have done for me. I will never forget it. Those who are suffering from these types of conditions don’t be afraid because she makes you feel so comfortable and the end result is worth it. Good luck to you all and I hope you experience the success I have.
-- A.B.

Testimonial by J.H.

My last appointment with Heather was over 6 years ago but I still think of her every day. I don’t take for granted that I can easily get out of bed, care for my two active and busy young boys, run, play tennis, clean my house, or sit at a desk for several hours at a time. None of these tasks were easy for me before meeting Heather. Eight years ago my car was struck from behind by a tractor trailer that was estimated to have been speeding. I spent 3 years working with different PTs and Drs trying to heal and move on with my life. When I became pregnant and the hormone relaxin that “relaxes” all the joints of the body and the additional weight gain erased all my progress and I was suddenly in a lot of pain again. My OB sent me to Heather for one last try.

Read more: Testimonial by J.H.

Testimonial by A.W., age 32

I wanted to let you know that my pelvic floor held strong and gave me no trouble whatsoever in my trail race this morning (12 miles)! In a way, I felt like I ran better than ever because my core feels so rock solid from all the exercises you have me doing. That was especially valuable on the technical downhill - I just flew down the trail because I had confidence in my balance and form. Thank you for helping me get back to doing what I love.

-- A.W., age 32
(completed Post-partum Renewal Program using the InTone biofeedback/stim unit)

Testimonial by M.N., age 28

A personal journey and testimonial from one of my patients:

I was diagnosed with vaginismus 4 years ago. I never heard of such medical condition until after I got married. At first my husband and I didn't know what to do, we didn't know what the issues were or how to overcome it. Being born and raised in Armenia and being Christian I wasn't that open about talking to sex with others and so it wasn't easy to seek help. But eventually I went to an Ob-Gyn and luckily she knew about the medical condition (not many doctors know). She referred me to a physical therapist and I couldn't believe it and thought it's something I can handle myself. I ordered a kit from and started practicing with dilators. There was some small progress but wasn't much helpful.

Read more: Testimonial by M.N., age 28


Beverly Hills:

9012 Burton Way
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Telephone: (310) 871-9554

The Beverly Hills office is convenient to Mid-Wilshire, West Hollywood, Hollywood, Beverlywood, Korea Town, Downtown LA, Culver City, Century City, Santa Monica and Malibu.


Monday 12:00-5:00
Tuesday 7:00-6:00
Wednesday CALL
Thursday 2:00-6:00
Friday 7:00-6:00


350 S. Lake Avenue #220
Pasadena, Ca 91101

Telephone: (818) 873-1403

Our Pasadena location is convenient to Glendale, Montrose, Burbank, Silver Lake, Los Feliz, Atwater Village, and Eagle Rock.


Monday 7:00-6:00
Tuesday 7:00-4:00
Wednesday CALL
Thursday 7:00-4:00
Friday CALL

Sherman Oaks:

13425 Ventura Blvd. Suite 200
Sherman Oaks, California 91423

Telephone: (818) 877-6910

The Sherman Oaks office is adjacent to Studio City and serves the Bel Air, Brentwood, West LA, Mulholland, Beverly Hills, Encino, Calabasas and San Fernando Valley area.


Monday 7:30-6:00
Tuesday 7:00-6:00
Wednesday 7:00-6:00
Thursday 8:00-6:00
Friday 7:00-6:00