Eating Disorders and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction | Image Courtesy of Niklas Hamann via Unsplash
Eating Disorders and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction | Image Courtesy of Niklas Hamann via Unsplash

What's the Connection Bewteen Eating Disorders and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?

Read on for some answers.

Eating disorders are unfortunately common, with at least 9% of people worldwide suffering from an eating disorder. This translates to 28.8 million Americans will have an eating disorder in their lifetime. There are different types of eating disorders (ED) including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. Other than the typical psychological and social implications that these eating disorders may cause, they also can affect our pelvic health and lead to pelvic floor dysfunction. It can lead to incontinence (either urine or feces), prolapse, increased urinary urge, pelvic pain (possibly associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS), constipation, and sexual dysfunction. 

Sometimes suffering from anorexia nervosa can affect hormone levels and in this case, it often decreases estrogen levels. In addition, because of the food restrictions, many people may also suffer from low protein. Both the low estrogen and protein levels can contribute to structural changes in the puborectalis muscle negatively. The puborectalis acts as a sling around your rectum and is crucial in our ability to defecate as well as keep us from leaking. As a result of the structural changes that occur in the puborectalis muscle, this may lead to fecal incontinence. 

Urinary Incontinence & Eating Disorders 

Hextall, et al. also found that 40% of women with anorexia nervosa experienced stress and urge urinary incontinence compared with their healthy matched controls. Stress urinary

incontinence is related to urine leakage during activities such as exercising, laughing, coughing, and sneezing. Urge incontinence is associated with a strong urge that leads to leakage before reaching the toilet. Eating disorders are also more commonly seen in athletes. Athletes that also suffer from eating disorders are almost 50% more likely to have urinary incontinence, and more likely to experience increased urinary urgency than athletes with no signs of eating disorders. 

Constipation and Pelvic Organ Prolapse

In addition, due to dietary restrictions, excessive intake, or purging, it is common to experience chronic constipation in those with eating disorders. Unfortunately, this can lead to habitual straining while defecating, painful bowel movements, hemorrhoids, and/or abdominal discomfort!  Check out the blog: "Chronic Constipation: The Basics" for more information. Over time, continued habitual straining can lead to prolapse of pelvic organs (a downward shift in pelvic organs due to poor support) which can lead to pelvic heaviness or feelings of something is coming out vaginally. Check out this blog for more information on pelvic organ prolapse

Bulimia Nervosa & Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

A common comorbidity that we see specifically in those who suffer from bulimia nervosa is polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS. Kimmel, et al. who wrote a summary on the literature found that 75% of women with bulimia nervosa also had polycystic ovaries. On the other hand, about 33% of women with polycystic ovaries admitted to bulimic eating patterns. Females with PCOS, although sometimes asymptomatic, often experience cramping pain (not necessarily associated with menses), bloating, bodily pain, among other symptoms. 

Sexual Dysfunction & Eating Disorders Eating Disorders and Sexual Dysfunction | Image Courtesy of Maru Lombardo via Unsplash

Last, but not least, we often find sexual dysfunction in in those with eating disorders. Very often, women with eating disorders experience decreased libido, lower sexual functioning, and increased sexual anxiety. Clinically we find that those with increased anxiety in general, especially as it relates to sexuality, can lead to pain with sexual intercourse. Sexuality involves an integration of biological, social, and psychological systems, and can be further impacted if suffering from any type of eating disorder. This can easily manifest physically in the pelvic floor muscles, and make orgasms as well as sexual penetrative intercourse painful. 

Help with Eating Disorders and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Luckily, there is help! If you are suffering from any of the symptoms aforementioned, regardless of whether you have an eating disorder or not, there are manual techniques, exercises, stretches, and education that can help improve your symptoms. Most pelvic floor physical therapists are trained to help improve incontinence, work on abdominal viscera manually to help relieve any abdominal discomfort/bloating symptoms, educate on toileting strategies to minimize constipation, educate on strategies to decrease prolapse discomfort, and improve overall sexual functioning. Along with the help and guidance of an eating disorder specialist, please know we are here, ready to help! Schedule your in-person or telehealth appointment at Femina


  1. National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders. Eating Disorder Statistics: General & Diversity Stats: ANAD. November, 3 2021. Accessed on Jan 20, 2022. 
  2. Bo K, Borgen JS. Prevalence of stress and urge urinary incontinence in elite athletes and controls. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2001; 33(11); 1797-1802.
  3. Cortes E, Singh K, Reid WMN. Anorexia nervosa and pelvic floor dysfunction. Int Urogynecol J 2003; 14: 254-255. Doi: 10.1007/s00192-003-1082-z.
  4. Hextall A, Majid S, Cardozo L, et al. A prospective controlled study of urinary incontinence symptoms in women with severe anorexia nervosa. Neurourol. Urodyn. 1999; 18:398-399.
  5. Kimmel MC, Ferguson EH, Zerwas S, et al. Obstetric and Gynecologic Problems Associated with Eating Disorders. Int J Eat Disord 2016 March; 49(3): 260-275. doi:10.1002/eat.22483
  6. Martin ML, Halling K, Eek D et al. Understanding polycystic ovary syndrome from the patient perspective: a concept elicitation patient interview study. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2017; 15:162. Doi: 10.1186/s12955-017-0736-3

What Our Patients Have to Say


Testimonial by S.H., age 24

I just wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me for the past 19 months. I literally could not have reached my goals without you and your practice. You gave me the courage to keep moving forth with my treatment no matter how afraid and anxious I was. You were always there to answer questions and made this whole process so much easier than I expected it to be.

It's because of you that my marriage is on the right track, that I can get pregnant and that this part of my life is finally over. I really feel that Fusion Wellness is a team of people you can call family and are there to root for you and cheer you on until you reach your goals. There is nothing better than knowing I accomplished this with you guys by my side and as calmly and patiently as I needed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for always being there and helping me reach my goals.

S.H., age 24

Testimonial by Carolina J.

I had tried Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy before (with another PT) and I had a really bad (painful) experience. A friend of mine and fellow patient, told me about Heather, Laureen and Femina PT (née Fusion Wellness & Physical Therapy) and I decided to try again. I am so happy I did! Femina PT have, literally, changed my life. I was able to do again things I couldn't do for over 10 years!! Their bedside manners are impeccable, their knowledge and understanding make me feel comfortable to recommend this place to anyone in pain. Specially if you have Endometriosis. 100% recommended!!

-- Carolina J., 12/28/16 via Yelp!

Testimonial by R.H.

No one could tell me why I was having pain during sex--sharp pain, not just uncomfortable, pain. I was referred to Heather Jeffcoat after researching several different options. I had seen a specialist who told me physical therapy would not help and my only option was surgery. I really didn't want to go that route, so when we got a referral, I decided to try it--it can't hurt, I thought. I am so glad I did. She diagnosed the problem right away, which was a relief in itself.

To know why I was having pain eased my mind immensely. And to hear that she could fix it without surgery was another relief. She said she could fix the problem in 6 weeks. I think it was actually 4 for me. She was very methodical, and treated me as an intelligent human being capable of participating in my own recovery. I would absolutely recommend her to anyone. She did not try to prolong my session numbers, she worked hard to accommodate my schedule (and the fact that I had to bring a baby to sessions), and she was completely honest the entire time. It is so hard to find someone with these characteristics, much less a professional who is so good at what she does. She has my highest respect.

-- R.H.

Testimonial by Ann V.

I wish i could give this place 10 stars!! 
I have been suffering from vaginismus for 5 years and never found the cure to it. I had seen an ob/gyn and he diagnosed me with vaginismus and told me i needed a surgery to cure my condition, which i refused to do. He also referred me to a PT that he works with, i had given them multiple calls and they never responded back to me, so i started searching yelp for another PT. I am SO HAPPY I found Heather's office! I was working with Laureen, and with her guidance and techniques i was able to be cured from vaginismus in only 2 1/2 short months!!! I couldn't believe how quickly their program worked for me! I am forever grateful and thankful from Heather, and Laureen! They are the absolute best at what they do!

Read more: Testimonial by Ann V.

Testimonial by Julie T.

Femina PT (née Fusion Wellness & Physical Therapy) has honestly changed my life. Before receiving treatment at Femina, I was going doctor to doctor to try and find the answer to my pelvic pain. It has taken me YEARS to find someone that can help fix this. It wasn't until my gynecologist recommended your clinic that I finally felt relief. My pelvic pain is almost gone, and granted I still have a lot more to work on with Laureen (my PT), my original problem is nearly cured. I am so grateful to her.

What is even better is she gave me practical exercises to do at home that were not tedious and provided instant (and lasting) relief. Although I mainly work with Laureen, my interaction with the owner (Heather) has been great. She is very generous, kind, and committed to her business.

It hurts to know there are women out there suffering who will never know or have the opportunity to work with women like Laureen and Heather because this issue is hardly talked about and this field is so rare. I hope more doctors and physical therapists see the value in this work and can relieve more woman of their pain.

-- Julie T., 12/4/16 via Yelp!

Testimonial by Mary L.

I started seeing Heather to treat my Interstitial Cystitis in November 2016. At this time, I was extremely miserable, in constant pain, and felt as though no one was listening or understood what was going on with my body. I have just finished my last appointment and I can honestly say that my life has completely changed for the better because of Heather and her team of PTs! I live almost completely pain free, and when I do have flare ups, I am able to treat them at home on my own. I am so grateful that this office was recommended to me a honestly cannot recommend them enough!

Read more: Testimonial by Mary L.


Beverly Hills:

9012 Burton Way
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Telephone: (310) 871-9554

The Beverly Hills office is convenient to Mid-Wilshire, West Hollywood, Hollywood, Beverlywood, Korea Town, Downtown LA, Culver City, Century City, Santa Monica and Malibu.


Monday 12:00-5:00
Tuesday 7:00-6:00
Wednesday CALL
Thursday 2:00-6:00
Friday 7:00-6:00


350 S. Lake Avenue #220
Pasadena, Ca 91101

Telephone: (818) 873-1403

Our Pasadena location is convenient to Glendale, Montrose, Burbank, Silver Lake, Los Feliz, Atwater Village, and Eagle Rock.


Monday 7:00-6:00
Tuesday 7:00-4:00
Wednesday CALL
Thursday 7:00-4:00
Friday CALL

Sherman Oaks:

13425 Ventura Blvd. Suite 200
Sherman Oaks, California 91423

Telephone: (818) 877-6910

The Sherman Oaks office is adjacent to Studio City and serves the Bel Air, Brentwood, West LA, Mulholland, Beverly Hills, Encino, Calabasas and San Fernando Valley area.


Monday 7:30-6:00
Tuesday 7:00-6:00
Wednesday 7:00-6:00
Thursday 8:00-6:00
Friday 7:00-6:00