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Heather Jeffcoat at Healthline

Many of us know Kegels as the dreaded exercise our doctor tells us to do while standing in line at the store or sitting at a red light, but these pelvic floor exercises have a valuable place in your daily to-do list during pregnancy.

What are Kegel exercises?

Named after gynecologist Arnold Kegel, these exercises can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which stretch during pregnancy and childbirth. If done correctly, Kegels can minimize stretching and make the muscles in your pelvic and vaginal area strong.

The thing to remember, as with all muscles, says Heather Jeffcoat, DPT, the owner of FeminaPT.com, is they need to be able to contract well but also relax and lengthen. “This is especially important as the pelvic floor needs to lengthen during pregnancy and vaginal delivery,” she adds.

When doing Kegels, Jeffcoat says to perform them from the back to the front, meaning, from the anus towards the vagina. If done correctly, Jeffcoat says you will also feel a gentle contraction with flattening of your lower abs.

“The number of Kegels you should do to maintain your fitness level varies and depends on factors such as rehabilitating from an injury, dealing with stress incontinence or prolapse, or pelvic pain,” Jeffcoat says.

If there are no symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction, Jeffcoat recommends the following protocol:

  1. Contract or tighten the muscles for 3 seconds.
  2. Rest for 3 seconds.
  3. Do 2 sets of 10 to 15 every other day.
  4. Alternate with quick contractions of 2 sets of 10 to 15 on the other days.

If remembering to contract these powerhouse muscles is a problem, Jeffcoat says there are Bluetooth enabled devices that can give you feedback. “In my office, we recommend using the Attain, which provides visual feedback plus pelvic floor muscle electrical stimulation to assist with your pelvic floor contractions,” she adds.

The full article can be found here.

What Our Patients Have to Say


Testimonial by M.M.

My husband and I were married for 5 years and unable to have intercourse, but I never knew why. After numerous awful experiences at doctor’s offices (where many doctors told me I “just needed to relax”), a surgery that didn’t fix the problem, and a year of owning dilators that didn’t get me anywhere, someone finally referred me to Heather for Physical Therapy. I finally had answers and information from someone who knew exactly what I was dealing with!

Read more: Testimonial by M.M.

Testimonial by Fritzette H.

I went to Heather after the birth of my third child. It was lucky, really, that I was referred to her, because my doctor had referred me to a surgeon for a possible hysterectomy or pelvic wall rebuild. Thankfully, I went to Heather before undergoing either surgery, she was able to fix the problem. She has studied extensively in women's health--even written a book about it--and was able to diagnose my problem, suggest a course of treatment (6 weeks), and then follow through with said treatment. By the end, as she said, I was as good as gold. Boy, was it worth it! Though uncomfortable to talk about, much less write about, it is worth getting the word out there. If you have painful intercourse, especially after birth or other trauma, the treatment may be as simple as Physical Therapy (with Heather, of course). I highly recommend her.

-- Fritzette H., 3/24/16 via Yelp!

Testimonial by M.M.

My husband and I were married for 5 years and unable to have intercourse, but I never knew why. After numerous awful experiences at doctor’s offices (where many doctors told me I “just needed to relax”), a surgery that didn’t fix the problem, and a year of owning dilators that didn’t get me anywhere, someone finally referred me to Heather for Physical Therapy. I finally had answers and information from someone who knew exactly what I was dealing with!

Read more: Testimonial by M.M.

Testimonial by Y.L. (mom of 2)

After having my second baby via C-section I searched for months to try to find help for my lower back pain and separated abdominal muscles. I finally came across Heather Jeffcoat via a mommy blog. I reached out to her via email and set my first appointment. My first appointment went amazing … she listened to what my symptoms, check my separation and explained to me in detail what the next steps would be. Not only did my abdominal separation go from 3 to about 1 -1/2 but my back has pain has significantly reduced. I’m personally recommending all my mommy friends to Heather!

Y.L. (mom of 2)

Testimonial by R.S.

I wanted to thank you so much for helping me get through something I thought I may never be able to. We have achieved pain-free intercourse and this has really solidified our marriage. We are so grateful to you for all the work you do! Thank you!!

-- R.S.

Testimonial by Lauren B.

Femina PT (née Fusion Wellness & Physical Therapy) has been such an answer to prayer, i'm so glad I found them! I've been struggling with vaginismus my whole life, but didn't have a name for it until about 6 or 7 months ago. Even once I did have a name for it though, I didn't know where to begin in getting help. My OB/GYN had me get a set of dilators, but I couldn't even insert the smallest one by myself. Most times I tried I just ended up frustrated and in tears. I felt really alone, like I was broken and didn't have the energy to keep trying. When I got engaged a few months ago though, I realized I needed to get answers so i wasn't dreading my honeymoon.

Read more: Testimonial by Lauren B.

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